
1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET

Description: This set contains the following cards 1909 T206 BRN Ed Abbaticchio1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Doc Adkins1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 OVR Red Ames1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Herman Armbruster1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Home Run Baker1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 CLE Neal Ball1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Emil Batch1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Johnny Bates1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Harry Bay1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Ginger Beaumont1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 ABV George Bell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 TRE Chief Bender1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Bill Bergen1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Joe Birmingham1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Lena Blackburne1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jack Bliss1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank Bowerman1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Bill Bradley1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Dave Brain1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Ted Breitenstein1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CAP Al Bridwell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 CUBS Mordecai Brown1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Al Burch1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Burke1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Burns1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Donie Bush1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 John Butler1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Campbell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Carrigan1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Doc Casey1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Chappelle1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Chappie Charles1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 TRO Hal Chase1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Fred Clarke1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CLE J. J. Clarke1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 PHL Eddie Collins1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 MIN Jimmy Collins1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Bunk CongaltonPSA 1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 FLD Wid Conroy1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Covaleski Harry Coveleski1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 xCAP Doc Crandall1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Lou Criger1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Dode Criss1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Monte Cross1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BOS Bill Dahlen1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CHI George Davis1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 xH Harry Davis1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 WAS Jim Delahanty1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Rube Dessau1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Art Devlin1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Josh Devore1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Misspelled as Dineen Bill Dinneen1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 SIT Mike Donlin1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Donohue Jiggs Donahue1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Wild Bill Donovan1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Red Dooin1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Patsy Dougherty1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Tom Downey1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jerry Downs1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Larry Doyle1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jean Dubuc1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAL Jack Dunn1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BRK Joe Dunn1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Bull Durham1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Dygert1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ted Easterly1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 FLD Kid Elberfeld1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Clyde Engle1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CHI Johnny Evers1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bob EwingPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Cecil Ferguson1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Hobe Ferris1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 THR Lou Fiene2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Steamer Flanagan2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Art Fletcher1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Russ FordPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed FosterPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Jerry Freeman1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 John Frill1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Charlie Fritz1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Art Fromme1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Chick Gandil2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Bob Ganley1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 John Ganzel2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Misspelled as Gasper Harry Gaspar1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Rube Geyer2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Gibson2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Gilbert1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Goode Wilbur Good1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 STL Bill Graham1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BOS Peaches Graham1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Dolly Gray2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed GremingerPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Clark Griffith1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Moose Grimshaw1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bob Groom2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Tom GuiheenPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Hahn1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Hallman1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Hannifan Jack Hannifin1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 LR Bill Hart2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 MTG Jimmy Hart1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Topsy Hartsell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jack Hayden1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 J. Ross Helm1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Charlie Hemphill1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 NY Buck Herzog1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CLE Billy Hinchman2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 TOL Harry Hinchman2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Doc Hoblitzell1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 STL Danny Hoffman2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 PRV Izzy Hoffman1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CHI Del Howard1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Harry Howell1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 SHO Miller Huggins1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Rudy Hulswitt1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 John Hummel2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Hunter1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank Isbell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Fred Jacklitsch1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Jackson1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 ONE Hughie JenningsSGC 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 PCH Walter JohnsonPSA 1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 HIP Fielder Jones1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 DET Davy Jones1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 STL Tom Jones1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 ATL Dutch JordanSGC 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Tim Jordan1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 PCH Addie Joss2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Karger1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Willie Keeler2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Joe Kelley1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 J.F Kiernan1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 PCH Ed Killian1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank King2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Rube Kisinger1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Red Kleinow1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Johnny KlingPSA 1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Otto Knabe1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Jack Knight1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 HI Ed Konetchy2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Harry Krause1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Rube Kroh1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Krueger Otto Krueger2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 James Lafitte2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BALL Joe Lake1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank LaPorte1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Arlie LathamPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Lattimore1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Lavender2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BEND Tommy Leach1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Lefty Leifield1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Lennox1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Lentz Harry SentzPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Glen Liebhardt1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Vive Lindaman1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Livingston Paddy Livingston2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Hans LobertPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Harry Lumley1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 KC Carl Lundgren2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Nick Maddox1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Sherry MageePSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Maloney2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George ManionPSA 1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Rube Manning1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Rube Marquard1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Doc Marshall1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BLK Christy Mathewson2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Al Mattern2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 John McAleese1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 George McBride1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Pat McCauleyPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Moose McCormick1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Pryor McElveen1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Dan McGann1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jim McGinley1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Iron Man McGinnity1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Stoney McGlynn1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 AIR John McGraw1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BRK Harry McIntire1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 DET Matty McIntyre1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Larry McLean2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BALL George McQuillan2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 THR Fred Merkle2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Merritt1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Clyde Milan2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 PIT Dots Miller2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 DAL Molly Miller2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Milligan1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 TOR Fred Mitchell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 CIN Mike Mitchell1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Dan Moeller1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 CHI Pat Moran2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Moriarty2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Mike Mowrey2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR George Mullin1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Danny Murphy1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Red Murray2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Chief Meyers1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Nattress1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Tom Needham2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 KNE Simon Nicholls2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Harry Niles1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Rebel Oakes1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank Oberlin2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Peter O'Brien1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 NY Bill O'Hara1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 FLD Rube Oldring2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 KNE Charley O'Leary1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 William O'Neil1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Al OrthPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 William OteyPSA 1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 F Orval Overall1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Frank Owen1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 George PaigePSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Fred Parent1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Dode Paskert2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Jim Pastorius1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Harry PatteePSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Fred Payne2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 VER Barney Pelty1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Hub Perdue2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Perring2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Francis Pfeffer1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 STD Jack Pfiester1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Phelan2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Eddie Phelps1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Deacon Phillippe1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ollie Pickering1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Phil Poland1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jack Powell1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Mike Powers1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Purtell2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Puttman Ambrose Puttmann1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Quillen Lee Quillin1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jack Quinn1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Newt Randall1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Bugs Raymond1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Reagan1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Dutch RevellePSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 CHS Bob Rhoades2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Charlie Rhodes1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Claude Ritchey1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Lou Ritter1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Claude Rossman2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Nap Rucker1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Dick Rudolph1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ray Ryan1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 DET Germany Schaefer1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 George Schirm1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 C Admiral Schlei1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 THR Boss Schmidt1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ossee Schreck1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BCK Wildfire Schulte2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Jim Scott1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Charles Seitz1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Cy Seymour1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Spike Shannon1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 COR Bud Sharpe1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 STL Al Shaw1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 PRV Hunky Shaw1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 GLV Jimmy Sheckard2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Bill Shipke2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Slagle1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 SHR Carlos Smith1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 F Frank SmithSGC 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BRK Happy Smith1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BUF Heinie Smith2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Fred Snodgrass2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Bob Spade1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Tubby Spencer2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 GLV Jake Stahl1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Oscar Stanage2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Charlie Starr1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Harry SteinfeldtPSA 1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jim Stephens2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 George Stone1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR George Stovall1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Sam Strang1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 C Gabby Street2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Billy Sullivan1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Summers1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 BOS Bill Sweeney1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 NY Jeff Sweeney1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 WAS Jesse Tannehill1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 xL Lee Tannehill2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Dummy Taylor1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Fred Tenney1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Tony TheboPSA 1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jake Thielman2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Ira Thomas1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Woodie ThorntonPSA 1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 ON Joe Tinker2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Terry Turner1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Bob Unglaub1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Rube WaddellPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 LFT Heinie Wagner1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Bobby WallacePSA 1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Ed Walsh1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jack Warhop1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Jake Weimer1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 James Westlake2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Zach WheatPSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 POR Doc White1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 HOU Foley WhitePSA 2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 BUF Jack White1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 CH Kaiser Wilhelm1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 BAT Ed Willett1.5 - FAIRFrontBack 1909 T206 Jimmy Williams1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 THR Vic Willis2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Owen Wilson1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 xCAP Hooks Wiltse2 - GOODFrontBack 1909 T206 Lucky Wright1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 GLV Cy YoungPSA 1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 MIN Irv Young1 - POORFrontBack 1909 T206 Heinie Zimmerman2 - GOODFrontBack The tobacco card set now known as T206 was issued from 1909 to 1911 in cigarette and loose tobacco packs via 16 different brands, all of which owned by the American Tobacco Company.? The set consists of 390 cards total. This set is considered a landmark set in the history of baseball card collecting due to its size, rarity, and quality of color in its depictions of players.?? These cards are also known as "white borders" due to their classic design, as a white border surrounds a colorful lithograph with the player's last name and the appropriate city below the image in black ink.? The back of the card features only an advertisement for one of the 16 tobacco brands issuing the cards.?? This Near Complete Set / Lot contains no duplicate cards.?For the exact cards contained in this set, as well as a front and back scan of each card, please see the description below. Set breakdown by grade: Number of Cards in Set 316 Average Grade - Weighted by Value 1.55 - FAIR Average Grade - Unweighted 1.42 - FAIR Grade Breakdown PSA 2 - GOOD 17 2 - GOOD 63 SGC 2 - GOOD 3 1.5 - FAIR 93 PSA 1.5 - FAIR 5 1 - POOR 130 PSA 1 - POOR 5 This almost complete set contains 316 cards out of the possible 391 cards. This is not a complete set. Dean's Cards offers a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases. Just contact us within 10 days of the purchase date and we will refund your money or, when possible, replace the cards. 1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars with no Variations 1.5 - FAIR BSET (316 / 391 cards) If the scan in the listing says ACTUAL IMAGE, you will receive the card pictured. For cards issued after 1983, we will often use representative images and you will not receive the exact card pictured. Shipping Policy You only pay shipping on the first item. If you order multiple items on the same order, you will only be charged once for shipping. We do not combine shipping on multiple orders. To avoid multiple shipping charges we recommend using eBay's "Add to Cart" feature to check out multiple items in one transaction, or please request and allow for us to send an invoice to reflect the combined shipping charges. Canadian customers - We send all of our Canadian/International packages with tracking and cannot make any exceptions to this policy. Negotiating Prices All prices are final and we do not negotiate. This policy is to ensure that everyone knows that they are getting our best possible price. So please do not ask us to negotiate on price. Return Policy Dean's Cards has a 100% Money Back Satisfaction Guarantee on all purchases, as long as the product is returned within 30 days of receiving the product. Card Grading Each card is first reviewed by a member of our team, in order to detect any flaws that may not be visible on a scan, such as wrinkles, creases, print spots, or light stains. The vast majority of our vintage cards are professionally graded by the Dean's Cards Grading Software and include a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Our grading is on par with PSA standards when it comes to corners, centering and flaws - and tends to grade a bit tougher than PSA, on cards with a tilted image or rough edges. This grading software was developed to provide far better grading and consistency than can be achieved using the human eye. Determining the card's grade The sharpness of the corners and the degree to which a card was cut off-center determines the maximum possible grade that the card can receive. The card's grade is further reduced by any flaws or blemishes that it may have. Each card is evaluated on the following characteristics and assigned a score. Corners - Each corner of a card is individually analyzed, and then assigned a score on how square, sharp, and flawless it appears. Centering - The borders are measured, at multiple points along the edge, to determine the horizontal and vertical centering and tilt. Defects - The card is examined for imperfections, such as: size, print flaws, dings, stains, creases, or other wear which could lower its grade. Bonus for Perfect Centering - A vintage card, with near perfect centering, is given a one-half grade bonus. So when you buy one of our cards with a half-grade (e.g. 3.5 or 6.5) it will appear perfectly centered, both vertically and horizontally. Grading Criteria Worst Corner - A card can grade only as high as the worst corner will allow. Average Corner Tilt - The difference in width of a card border near the top, compared to the bottom. OCT - The sum of how far a card is Off-Center, plus its Tilt. Minimum Centering Requirements Eye Appeal - The combination of a card's centering, corners and tilt. Well-Centered - Cards that appear perfectly centered receive a bonus of one-half grade. Flaws, defects and other imperfections - can lower a card's grade. Card Backs - the above criteria is also considered, for the back of the cards, but does not inflict as severe of a penalty to its grade. Packaging Once scanned, the cards are placed in "soft" sleeves, which have an open top for easy removal. The Dean's Cards label is placed on the top back of the card sleeve. Every card you buy features a QR Code that you can scan to see your ACTUAL CARD and its grading statistics. Please note that when images are enlarged there may be instances of vertical lines running through the scans. This was caused by a "dust speck" on the scanner and can be verified by the vertical lines running into the black margins on the top and bottom of the image. About Dean and Dean's Cards Dean's Cards Makes Card Collecting - Fast, Easy And Fun. Dean's Cards was founded in 2002 and has become the leading online seller of vintage sports cards and non-sports cards. Our inventory has grown to more than a million vintage cards and we have a staff of 15-20 employees and a 8500 sq. ft. office space in Cincinnati, Ohio.

Price: 28980 USD

Location: Cincinnati, Ohio

End Time: 2024-09-30T17:40:24.000Z

Shipping Cost: 0 USD

Product Images

1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET1909-11 T206 Non-Variation Near Complete Set / Lot w/ Stars 1.5 - FAIR BSET

Item Specifics

Return shipping will be paid by: Buyer

All returns accepted: Returns Accepted

Item must be returned within: 30 Days

Refund will be given as: Money Back

Return policy details:

Specific Item: BSET

Graded: No

Sport: Baseball

Grade: 1.50

Era: Pre-WWII (Pre-1942)

Year: 1909

Team: .

Player/Athlete: .

Card Manufacturer: T206

Original/Reprint: Original

Product: Set


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