Description: 1923 AUDELS CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS GUIDE, CONSTRUCTION FOR CARPENTERS, BUILDERS Click images to enlarge Description 1923 Audels Carpenters And Builders Guide # 1... A Practical Illustrated Trade Assistant On Modern Construction For Carpenters--Joiners--Builders--Mechanics And All Wood Workers... By Frank D. Graham--Chief, Thomas J. Emery--Associate, THEO. AUDEL & CO. PUBLISHERS 72 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK, U.S.A. 1923 FIRST EDITION 430 PAGES WITH HUNDREDS OF ILLUSTRATIONS THIS BOOK IS COMPLETE, CLEAN AND IN VERY GOOD + + TO NEAR FINE CONDITION... PLEASE SEE PICTURES Table of Contents... OUTLINE OF CHAPTERS 1. Woods Classification grain sawing defects seasoning selection properties of woods-preservation. Pages 1 to 22 2. Nails 23 to 58 — History - sizes classification selection-spacing-how to drive. tables holding power 3. Screws 59 to 74 Classification-tables-how to put in a screw-strength-safe loads. 4. Bolts 75 to 84 Kinds of bolts-proportions and strength-tables-material. 5. Work Bench 85 to 94 How to build bench attachrnents-vises. 95 to 98 6. Carpenters' Tools Selection-classification. 7. Guiding and Testing Tools Straight edge-squares-bevel-shooting board-mitre box- level-plumb bob-plumb rule. 8. Marking Tools 99 to 128 129 to 136 Classification-chalk line-pencil-awl-scriber--dividers. 9. Measuring Tools 137 to 154 Two foot rule-various folding rules-attachments-board measure lumber scales-table-marking gauges. 10. Holding Tools 155 to 164 • Horses-clamps-vises. 11. Toothed Cutting Tools . 165 to 178 Saws-saw teeth-cross cut and rip saws-files and rasps- sand paper. 12. Saw Filing 179 to 188 Regulating jointing setting filing side dressing saw clamps. 13. Circular Saws How made--types-solid and inserted teeth-number of teeth -speed-fitting-swaging-points on sawing-gumming— hammering and tension. 14. Band Saws . Tension-twists and lumps-straightening back-feed-pitch —clearance-cracking-snaking—brazing. 15. Saw Trouble 189 to 220 221 to 236 233 to 236 1. Circular saws: running-curls-bends-buckles-safety. 2. Band saws: kinking-prevention-danger. 16. Sharp Edge Cutting Tools 237 to 250 Chisels-how to use and sharpen chisels-draw knife. 17. Rough Facing Tools 251 to 256 Hatchet-hand axe-axe- -adze. 18. Smooth Facing Tools 257 to 290 · Spoke shave-planes—plane "irons"-how to sharpen and use a plane-scrapers. 19. Boring Tools 291 to 304 Brad awls-gimlets-augers-drills-hollow augers-spoke pointers reamers. 20. Fastening Tools 305 to 312 Hammers screw drivers-wrenches. 21. Sharpening Tools 313 to 322 Grind stones-abrasives-grinding wheels-oil stones. 22. How to Sharpen Tools 323 to 328 Grinding-honing-points on oil stones. 23. How to Use the Steel Square 329 to 376 • Parts—scales—tables—problems—pitch table—12, 13, 17. 24. Joints and Jointing-Cabinet Making 1. Butt joints: straight-dowel pin-square—mitre- feather-splice. 2. Lap joints: housed-scarf-mortise and tenon-dovetail. 25. Furniture Suggestions Examples of various easily made articles. 377 to 414, 415 to 430 READY REFERENCE INDEX How to Use the Index. By intelligent use of the index, the reader will have no difficulty in finding any item, and if he will carefully read the index he will be amazed at the vast amount of information to be found in this book, and will in this way find numerous items he would like to look up. This constitutes one method of study-a reference method. The making of an index is an art which requires long experience, the indexes for these Guides being made by specialists in that line. An index is said to be "full" when each item is indexed in two or more ways. For a practical example, the item "Rip saw," may be indexed either as "Rip saw," or "Saw(s), rip." This method of entering each item in two or more ways constitutes a full index. In the Carpenters' and Builders' Guidcs the author has abridged the index to gain more space for the main text, by largely avoiding the unnecessary cross indexing. Accordingly, if you do not find the item "Rip saw" in the letter R, turn over to S, and look for "Saw(s), rip.” In case the item be not found under either heading, look up some associated heading, as, for instance, "Tools," and follow down the indented items under this heading, looking for the desired item, "rip saw." It should be noted that when there is a main heading with comma, followed by indented items, the main heading should be connected with each indented item, thus: Plane(s), ills., 259-290 block, ills., 265, 284 the last item being read in full, "Plane, block, 265, 284." Finally, if an item be not found in one Guide, look for it in the other volumes of the set. For instance, the steel square is explained in Guide No. 1, and its application to roof framing treated at length in Guide No. 3. INDEX... A. Abrasives, 315, 316. Adze, ills., 254-256. A American rule working system, ills., 139, 142. Ames hollow auger, ills., 302. Anchor strap, ills., 405. Angle(s) cuts., ills., 108. laying off, ills., 336-338. Architect's rule, ills., 140. Arkansas oil stone, ills., 319, 321. Athol vise, ills., 163. Auger, ills., 292-294. bit guider, ills., 299. gauge, ills., 298. hollow, ills., 302. Awl, bad, ills., 291-293. Axe, hand, ills., 253-255. B. Back saw, ills., 174. B Band saws, ills., 221-232. brazing, 231, 232. cracking, 229, 230. feed, pitch, clearance, 229. kinking, 235. snaking, 230. straightening the back, 227. tension, 223. use of, 189. Barrel hatchet, ills., 251. Barton plane irons, ills., 273. Beams, floor, joint for, ills., 402. Bench, carpenter's, ills., 85-93, 155. hook, ills., 93. joiner saw, ills., 174. planes, ills., 261. screws, ills., 81. stop, ills., 91-93. vise, ills., 88, 89. Bethel process wood preserving, 21. Bevel, ills., 115-118. setting, ills., 157. used with steel sq., ills., 338, 340. Bevel, plane iron, 324. saw filing, ills., 180, 186. Biltmore or forest cruiser sticks, 147. Binders, joint for, ills., 402. Bishop, hammer blow set, ills., 185 saw clamp, ills., 185. saw filer, ills., 180. Bit, straight core, ills., 294. heads, ills., 292, 293. screw driver, ills., 309. Blades, draw knife, ills., 249. saw, ills., 166. Blind, joints, ills., 413, 414. man's rule, 140. tenon, ills., 404. Block plane, ills., 265, 284. Blunt band file, ills., 176. Board, measure, ills., 108, 144-146. rule, spring steel, 147. Boat, nails, ills., 37. riveted joint, ills., 56. Bolts, ills., 75-84. for wood joints, ills., 406. heads, ills., 84. material, 83. properties table, 78. proportions, 78, 82. starting, ills., 312. strength, 78, 82, 83. thread, ills., 80. various, ills., 76, 77, 79, 84. Book rack, ills., 417. Boring, mortise and tenon joint, ills., 398 speed, 294. tools, ills., 97, 291-304. Box joints, 410. Brace, ills., 296, 297. measure table, 108, 110, 373. mitred joint for, ills., 404. push, Yankee, ills., 310. screw driver bit for, ills., 309. Bracket shelf, ills., 419, 420. Brad (s), awl, ills., 291-293. ills., 32-34. "Brazine," 232. Brazing a band saw, 231. Breakfast nook, ills., 425. Breast drill, ills., 300. Broad hatchet, ills., 251, 252. Buck saw, ills., 175. Buckle, saw, 233. Built-in construction, 424-427. Bull nose plane, ills., 267. Burnett process wood preserving, 21. Burnishers, ills., 288. Butcher saw filing, ills., 180. Butt, chisel, ills., 242, 244. gauge, ills., 151, 153. joint, ills., 378, 388, 406. C. Caliper rule, ills., 144. Carborundum stone, ills., 319, 321, 327. Card process wood preserving, 21. Carpenter's bench, ills., 85–93. pencil, ills., 133. tools, 95-178. See kind. Cedar chest, ills., 421. Chair, const., ills., 422. Chalk line, ills., 130-132. Chamfer plane, ills., 270–273. Chase or slip mortise, ills., 406. Chest, const., ills., 421. Chisels, 237-247. See kind. Chord table, 343. Circle problems, steel sq., 333-335, 340, 343. Circular saws, ills., 189-220. fitting, ills., 196, 201, 202–206. grinding, ills., 194. gumming saws, 209. hammering, 210-215, 217. inserted tooth type, 218. inspecting, ills., 197. knocking down, ills., 190. polishing, ills., 195. revolutions, 198. safeguarding, 234. sawing frozen timber, 208. smithing, ills., 192. solid tooth, 192. speed, 197. spring set, 202. stamping, ills., 193. swaging, 202. teeth, 195, 199-201, 220. tempering, ills., 191. toothing, ills., 189. Clamp(s), ills., 157-160. saw, ills, 179, 181, 185. Claw, hammer, ills., 306. hatchet, ills., 251. Cleaning tools, 324. Clearance, band saw, 229. Cold chisel, sharpening, 328. Combination square, ills., 112–114. Common rafter, ills., 344, 353, 355–360. Compass, plane, ills., 271. saw, ills., 174. Compound dovetail joint, ills., 407, 409. Compression scarf joint, ills., 389, 393. Cook's standard screw proportions, 68. Cooper plane, ills., 264. Coping saw, ills., 175. Cord wood saw teeth, ills., 210. Corner chisel, ills., 241. Corner joint, ills., 381, 382, 384. Cosey corner, const., ills., 424. Couch const., ills., 430. Countersunk bolt, 75. Cripple rafters, 344, 352. Cross cut saw, ills., 169, 172, 186, 187: Cupboard const., ills., 429. Curl, saw, 233. Cut nails, ills., 24. Cut-off saw, circular, fitting, 205-208. D. Dado plane, ills., 267, 268, 272, 273. Decimal log scale table, 147. Diagonal scale, ills., 111. Disston, saw clamp, ills., 181. saw jointer, ills., 183. saw teeth, ills., 186. Goulding bit, ills., 219. Double, bar gauge, ills., 151. socket dovetail joint, ills., 411. tenon joint, ills., 396, 403. Dovetail, joints, ills., 405-414, 416. plane, ills., 267. saw, ills., 174. Dowel pin joint, ills., 379, 380. Draw, boring, ills., 400. knife, ills., 248-250, 325. pin, ills., 402. Drawer framing, ills., 426, 427. joints, ills., 410-413. Drills, ills., 299. Drying lumber, ills., 9. E. Eagle steel square, ills., 369, 370. Emery wheels, ills., 315, 317. English rule marking system, ills., 139, 142. Essex board measure, ills., 108, 110, 375, 376, Extension rule, ills., 143. F. Fastening tools, ills., 97, 305-312. See kind. Feather joints, ills., 384-386, 406. Feed, band saw, 229. File holder, ills., 182. Filer, saw, ills., 180. Files, ills., 171. Filing, circular saws, 204. saws, 179-188. Filletster plane, ills., 268, 272, 273. Firmer chisel, ills., 239, 244, 245, 247. Fish plates, ills., 387, 389, 390. Fitting, circular saw, ills., 196, 203-206. inserted points, 219, 220. Flat, bastard file, ills., 176. head screw, ills., 61, 63, 67. Fleam, ills., 166, 186. Floor beams, joint for, ills., 402. Flooring, saw, ills., 174. Flower box, ills., 420, 421. Foerstner bit, ills., 295, 297, 398. Fore plane, ills., 261, 262, 274. Forged eye bolt, ills., 79. Framing, chisel, ills., 239, 245, 247. square, ills., 107-112, 329-376. Freight rule, 149. Fret saw, ills., 175. Furniture suggestions, 415-430. G. Gauge(s), auger, ills., 298. saws, 193. slide, scribing with, ills., 157. tension, band saw, ills., 228. various, 149-154- Gauging, rod, 147. Gimlet, ills., 292, 293. Girders, joint for, ills., 402. Gluing, dowels, 380, 387. feather, 385. Goodell-Pratt, brace, ills., 297. nail set, ills., 305. reamers, ills., 303. screw driver, 310. wrench, ills., 311. Gouge, chisel, ills., 240. Grain of wood, ills., 4. Grindstones, ills., 313-316. Grinder, tool, ills., 248. Grinding, tools, 323, 324. wheels, ills., 316-318. Guider auger bit, ills., 299. Guiding and testing tools, ills., 95, 99-128. bevel, ills., 115-118. level, ills., 122-125. mitre box, ills., 120, 121. mitre shooting board, ills., 122. plumb bob, ilis., 124-126. Guilding, Continued plumb rule, ills., 127. shooting board, ills., 118, 119. square, ills., 103-104. straight edge, ills., 99-112. Gumming saws, 209. H. Hack saw, ills., 174. Half, blind dovetail, 411-413. hatchet, ills., 251. round file and rasp, ills., 176. Hall chair, const., ills., 422. Hammacher-Schlemmer spoke shave, ills., 258. Hammer, ills., 305–308. blow saw set, ills., 185. round-face, 217, 218. Hammering circular saws, ills., 210-215, 217. Hand, saw filing, ills., 180. screw ills., 158, 159. Hardening, circular saw, 191. Hargrave spoke shave, ills., 257. Hatchets, ills., 251-253. Hip, jack rafter, s., 344, 353, 358. rafters, ills., 344, 360, 361, 365, 366. Holding tools, ills., 96, 155-164. Hollow auger, ills., 302. Honing, 325. Horseshoe rasp, ills., 176. "Horses," ills., 155-157. House studding, saw for, ills., 186. Housed butt joint, ills., 388. Housing of mortise, ills., 395. Hundredth scale, 374. I. India oil stone, ills., 319, 321, 327. Inserted tooth saws, 218. Irons, plane ills., 273-278. J. Jack, plane, ills., 261-263, 274, 275. rafters, 344, 352, 361-364. Joiner or bench saw, ills., 174. Jointer plane, ills., 261, 263, 264, 274, 275. Jointing, saw, 181-183. Joints, 377-414. butt, ills., 378. corner, ills., 381, 382, 384. dovetail, ills., 405-414. dowel pin, ills., 379, 380. feather, ills., 384-386. lap, 387. marking system, ills., 379. mortise and tenon, ills., 393-404. plain, ills., 378. riveted copper, ills., 56. splice, 386, 387. tongue and groove, ills., 414. Joists, joint for, ills., 402. K. Kerf, ills., 167, 169. Key head, bolt, 175. K joint, ills., 391-393. Keyed strap, ills., 405. Keyhole saw, ills., 174. Kiln, wood drying, 12. L. Lap, joints, ills., 387. or half-blind dovetail, 411-413 Lath hatchet, ills., 251. Laying out work, 129. Level, ills., 122-124, 127. and rule, comb., ills., 144. Liberty tool grinder, ills., 248. Log tables, comparison of, 148. Logging, 5. Lufkin rule, ills., 140-146. Lumber, decay of, 22. ordering, 15, 19. scales, 145. selection, 13-15.. stacking and seasoning, ills., 9-13. Lumbering, 5. M. Marking, gauge, ills., 149, 150 or scratch awl, ilis., 134. system, joints, ills., 379. tools. 96, 129-136. Marsh, mitre machine, ills., 382. picture frame vise, ills., 383. Measuring tools, 96, 137-154. lumber scales, ills., 145- 149. marking gauges, ills., 149-154. rules, ills., 137-144. Mill, chisel, ills., 242. file, ills., 176. Mitre, box, ills., 120-121. machine, ills., 382. shooting board, ills., 122. square, ills., 104-106. Mitred joints, ills., 382-384, 394, 396 400% 403. Monkey wrench, ills., 311. Mortise and tenon joints, ills., 393-406. cutting, ills., 397, 398. Moulding plane, ills., 266, 272. Multi-tenon joint, ills., 396. N. Nails, ills., 23-58. boat, ills., 37. brads, 32-34. N cut steel, table, 28. drawing, ills., 307. driving, ills., 54, 55, 57, 306, 307. holding power of ills., 43-45. kinds of, ills., 29-42. metal lath, 39. penny system, 29. selection of, 46. spacing of, 48. spikes, 35, 36. tacks, 26, 31. various, 40-44, 46, 49. wire, table, 47, 50-53. Nail set, ills., 305, 306, 328. National lock washer, ills., 81. Non-pressure process wood preservation, 21, Nosing plane, ills., 270. Notched mortise and tenon joint, 405, 407- 414. Nut, auger, ills., 294. starting, ills., 312. O. Octagon, finding, steel sq., ills., 337-339- rafter, ills., 354, 358, 370, 371. table, 374. Offsetting, mitre joint, ills.. 383. mortise and tenon joint, ills., 400. Oil stones, 317-322. 327. P. Panel, gauge, ills., 154. saw, ills., 173. Paring chisel, ills., 238, 247. Parker's wood working vise, ills., 91. Pattern maker's saw, ills., 174. Penny system, nails, 29. Pins, joint, 401, 402, 407. Pitch, band saw, 229. finding with square, ills., 345-349. Plain joint, ills., 378. Plane, ills., 259-290. block, ills., 265, 284. bull nose, ills., 267. chamfer, ills., 270-273. compass, ills., 271. dado, ills., 267, 268, 272, 273. dovetail, ills., 267. filletster, ills., 268, 272, 273. fore, ills., 261, 262, 274. irons, ills., 273-281. jack, ills., 261-263, 274, 275. jointer, ills., 261, 263, 264, 274, 275. jointing, 285. kinds of, 97. moulding, ills., 266, 272. mouth, ills., 277. nosing, ills., 270. plow, ills., 272, 385. rabbet, ills., 267, 268, 272. router, ills., 269. scotia, ills., 270. scraper, ills., 287. scrub, ills., 263. slitting, ills., 272, 273. sharpening, 278. smooth, ills., 261, 264, 274, 275. support strip, ills., 94. tightening, ills., 281. trying, ills., 261, 263, 274, 275. using, 277, 282. Plow plane, ills., 272, 385. Plumb, bob, ills., 124-128. rule, ills., 127. Pocket chisel, ills., 242. Pointing tenon, ills., 399. Polygon angle cuts, ills., 372, 373. Prentiss vises, ills., 162. Preserving wood, 21. Protractor, rule used as, table, 141. Punches, sharpening, 328. Push brace, Yankee, 319. R. Rabbet plane, ills, 267, 268, 272. Rabbetted, jambs, gauge for, ills-, 153. L joint, ills., 388. Rafters, 345-376. table, ills., 108. Rasps, ills., 171, 176. Ratchet screw driver, ills., 309. Reamers, ills., 303, 304. Rebated mortise and tenon joints, ills., 403. Reed vise, ills., 164. Regulating, saw, 181. Ridge of roof, ills., 344. Rip saw, ills., 170-173. circular, 203, 204. filing, ills., 180, 188, 204. pinching or binding, 235. section of, ills., 187. teeth, ills., 186. Roger's drive screw, ills., 70. Roof problems, steel sq. ills., 344-351. Rough facing tools, ills., 251-256. See kind, Round, file, ills., 176. head screws, ills., 61, 63. Router plane, ills., 269. Rule, marking systems, ills., 139, 142. two foot, ills., 137-140. used with steel sq., ills., 355. "Run on beam," ills., 374. Running, saw, 233. Sand paper, 177. S. Sapling pine, sawing, 220. Sargent, plane, ills., 265, 267, 269, 271. square, ills., 358, 359, 361, 372. Saws, ills., 165-236. See kind. band. See Band saws. circular. See Circular saws. cross cut, ills., 169. filing, ills., 179-188. rip, ills., 170-173. set, 168. sharpening, 187, 188. teeth, ills., 166-168, 179-188. troubles, 233-236. using, ills., 170. various, ills., 174, 175. Sawing, frozen timber, 208, 220. logs, ills., 5-7. 1 Scale, problems, steel sq., 331. lumber, 145. Scribner's, 147. Scarf joint, ills., 388-393. Scotia plane, ills., 270. Scrapers, ills., 286. Scratch awl, ills., 134. Screw(s), ills., 59-74. bench, ills., 87. dimensions, ills., 63, 65, 68. drive, ills., 70. drivers, ills., 308-310. gauge, 65. head shapes, ills., 65, 66. inserting, ills., 69, 72, 73. lag, ills., 71-74. load table, 70. material used for, 60. numbers, ills., 64. point shapes, ills., 67. proportions, table, 68. size table, 62. thread, ills., 66, 68. Scriber, ills., 134. Scribing with slide gauge, ills., 157. Scrub plane, ills., 263. Seasoning lumber, ills., 9-13. Set of saw, ills., 167. Setting saw teeth, ills., 184, 231. Sharp edge cutting tools, ills., 237-250. See kind. Sharpening, augers, ills., 297, 298 axes, ills., 253, 256. bits, ills., 297. chisels, 246. cut-off saw, 206. hatchets, ills., 253. methods, ills., 323–328. saws, ills., 179-188. Sharpening tools and stones, 313-322 Shave, spoke, ills., 257-259. Shingling, hatchet, ills., 251. Shooting board, ills., 119, 122. Side dressing, saw, 188, 219. Simonds circular saw mfg., ills., 189-197, 220. Single tenon joint, ills., 396, 403. Slick, chisel, ills., 240. Slide gauge, ills., 151, 152. scribing with, ills., 157. Slip, mortise and tenon joint, ills., 406 oil stone, ills., 319, 320. Slitting plane, ills., 272, 273. Smithing, circular saw mfg., ills., 192 Smooth, facing tools, ills., 257-290. plane, ills., 261, 264, 274, 275. Snaking, band saw, 230. Socket, chisel, ills., 241. wrench, ills., 312. Southington squares, ills., 332, 366-368. Speed, circular saw, 197. Spikes, 28, 35, 36, 38, 44, 45. Spirit level, ills., 123, 124, 127. Spiral ratchet screw driver, ills., 310. Splice joints, ills., 386, 387. Spoke, pointer, ills., 302, 303. shave, ills., 257-259. Spring set, saw, 202. Sprigs, 32. Square, ills., 107-112, 329-376. See Steel sq. kinds of, 95. file, ills., 176. Stacking and seasoning, ills., 9-13. Stair builder's saw, ills., 175. Stanley, braces, ills., 396. clamp, ills., 160. hammer, ills., 305. mitre box, ills., 121. mitre shoot board, ills., 122. planes, ills., 263, 265, 267-272, 287,386. rule, ills., 137-139. Spoke shave, ills., 251. Staples, ills., 55. Starrett, straight edge, ills., 100. vise, ills., 163. Steel square, ills., 107-112, 329-376. angles, laying off, ills., 336-338. bevel used with, 338, 340. chord, table, 343. circle problems, ills., 333-335, 340, 343. markings, ills., 331-333. octagon, finding, ills., 337-339. parts, ills., 329, 330. pitch, finding, ills., 345-349. polygon table, 343. rafters, finding dim., 345-376. roof problems, 344-351. rule used with, ills., 355. scale problems, 331. take down, ills., 342. Stones, grind, ills., 313-317. Straight, core bit, ills., 294. edge, ills., 99-102. Stub tenon joint, ills., 395, 403. Stud bolt, ills., 75, 77. Studding houses, saw for, ills., 186. Swage set, saw, 202. Swaging, saw, ills., 202, 203. Swan, auger gauge, ills., 298. bit holder, ills., 298. draw knife, ills., 248, 249. hollow auger, ills., 302. screw driver bit. ills., 309. T. Table const., ills., 428. Tabouret const., ills., 422. Tacks, 26, 31. Taintor saw set, ills., 184. Take down steel sq., ills., 342. Tang chisel, ills., 241, 243. Taper file, ills., 176. Taylor clamp, ills., 159, 161, 163. Teeth, circular saw, ills., 195, 196, 199-201, 203. cut-off saw, 207, 208. saw, ills., 166-168, 170, 172. Tempering, circular saw, ills., 191. Tenon cutting, ills., 399. Tenoning, ills., 393-406. Tension, band saw, 223. Thin back saw, ills., 166. Threads, bolt, ills., 80, 81. screw, ills., 66. Through tenon joint, ills., 395. Timber, frozen, sawing, 208, 220. heavy, auger for ills., 294. Tongue-and-groove joint, ills., 386, 411, 412, 414. Tool(s), box, ills., 415, 416. ills., 95-178. See kind. rests, 315. Toothed, cutting tools, ills., 165-178. files and rasps, ills., 176-178. saws, ills., 165-175. Toothing, circular saw, ills., 189. Trestles, ills., 155. Trimmers, joint for, ills., 402. Try square, ills., 103-107, 380, 381. Trying plane, ills., 261, 263, 274, 275. Tusk, mortise-and-tenon joint, ills., 402. Twist drills, ills., 299, 301. U. Union planes, ills., 262, 264, 287, 289. V. Valley rafters, ills., 344, 350, 351, 358. Vises, ills., 88-91, 161-164, 383. W. Wall shelf rock, ills., 418. Wantage rod, 149. Washers, ills., 81. Washita oil stone, 318. Wedges, joint, ills., 391-393, 399. Wheels, grinding, ills., 316-318. Whetting bevel, ills., 326. Winding test, ills., 102. Wire nails, ills., 26, 50-53. Wood, ills., 1-22. boring, ills., 294. clamps, ills., 158. grain of, ills., 4. green, auger head for, ills., 292. preserving methods, ills., 20-22. properties of various, ills., 16-20, screws, 59, 60. structure of, ills., 3. Work bench. See Bench. Wrenches, ills., 311, 312. Wright auger bit, ills., 295. Y. Yankee, drills, ills., 300, 301 screw driver, ills., 309, 310. push brace, 310. Z. Zigzag rule, ills., 142. Images sell! Get Supersized Images & Free Image HostingCreate your brand with Auctiva's Customizable Templates. Attention Sellers - Get Templates Image Hosting, Scheduling at Track Page Views WithAuctiva's Counter
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