
44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB

Description: THE LARGEST, BEST, OLD & RARE On eBAY On USB THE AMERICAN REVOLUTIONARY WARMANUSCRIPTS(LETTERS, DOCUMENTS, ORDERS, RECEIPTS & OTHER MATERIALS) (1776) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HISTORY GENEALOGY NAMES RECORDS 117 Manuscripts (LETTERS, DOCUMENTS, ORDERS, RECEIPTS & OTHER MATERIALS) Names, Records, Historical, Genealogical and Biographical information~~~~~~~~~~~~~~As primary source material, these Manuscripts, Letters & Documents are from the time period of 1776 and they are without a question the most complete and impartial documentation on the American Revolutionary War. ************************* They provide a foundation for serious research into virtually every aspect of The American Revolutionary War ************This extensive collection of Manuscripts, Letters & Documents from the American Revolutionary War Era provide a more accurate picture of this historical period of American History. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Unprecedented Record of The American Revolution War EraAn essential resource for Genealogists and American Revolutionary War History Enthusiasts Now this amazing collection have been professionally compiled in high quality and preserved forever in format on USB This is without doubt an essential reference library for The American Revolutionary War history enthusiasts. ********It is nearly impossible to find all these OLD & RARE documents in any form and if found they would cost a fortune! ____________________ Many of these OLD & RARE documents date back to the 1700s and all of their content is just as impressive today as it was then. You can READ, TRANSFER, COPY, CUT, PASTE, SAVE & ZOOM IN on any text, diagrams or illustrations. The pictures you see in this auction were taken from this USB This USB can be read on your Windows or MAC Computer or Laptop ************ The Complete List of the Documents American casualties in battles of Lexington and Concord, with other deaths to May 1, 1776 (1776) Azor Orne and Samuel Moody, speaking for the Committee of the General Court, requesting Jonathan Jackson to deliver powder to Jonas White, by Orne, Azor (1776) Bill for cash expenditures, by Massachusetts. General Court. Committee of War; Watson, Abraham; Thatcher, Samuel; Brooks, Thomas; Wood, Aaron, Fisher, Jabez (1776) Bill to Colony of Massachusetts for damaged firearms, by Austin, Samuel; Brooks, Thomas; Devens, Richard; Jeffries, David, Town Treasurer; Thatcher, Samuel (1776) Bill to Colony of Massachusetts, by Fisk, Daniel; Brooks, Thomas; Durfee, Thomas; Faulkner, Daniel; Holbrook, John; Parry, Edward; Parker, Timothy; Weld, Moses (1776) Bill to Massachusetts Bay for printing currency, by Revere, Paul; Story, William; Washburn, Seth; Watson, Abraham; Wood, Aaron; Webster, Jon (1776) Bill to Massachusetts for engraving State Seal, by Hurd, Nathaniel (1776) Bills to Col. David Green for supplies to feed destitute citizens, by Ruddock, Abiel; Green, David (1776) Commission for Charles Pettit as Judge of Ordinary Court in New Jersey, by Livingston, William; Pettit, Charles (1776) Court martial proceedings against James Lister for abusive language to superior officer, by Potter, Samuel (1776) Document authorizing Commissary Richard Devens to deliver arms and blankets to Capt. Winthrop, by Revere, Paul (1776) Document certifying that Gabriel Priest served first in the troop commanded by Capt. Thomas Gates, by Longley, Robert (1776) Document instructing Shelbourne Committee of Correspondence to confer about present commissions held by Justices of Peace, by Hawley, Joseph (1776) Document notifying John Hancock that officers raise troops but can't pay bounties, by Massachusetts. General Court (1776) Document of the appointment of James Warren as 2d Major General, Massachusetts Militia, by Danielson, Timothy (1776) Document signed by John Bayard, certifying Hugh McCulloch's loyalty to America, by Pennsylvania. Council of Safety; Bayard, John Bubenheim; Morris, Rober (1776) Document signed by John McKesson, about destroying river channel, fire boats, and supplies, by New York State Convention of the Representatives; McKesson, John (1776) Document to Capt. Samuel Flowers ordering him to come and take the pay due to his company, or else abide by the consequences, by Woodbridge, Ruggles (1776) Document to General Nathaniel Folsom, authorizing Jonathan Hale to receive 2 barrels of gunpowder, by Weare, Meshech (1776) Document to Richard Devens, Esq., Commissary General, asking him to deliver to Capt. Michael Hodge one canon with its appurtenances, by Wigglesworth, Edward (1776) Document written by Benjamin Walley certifying that town has supplied required amount of men for militia duty, by Walley, Benjamin; Walker, Benjamin (1776) Inscription for monument to Gen. Richard Montgomery who fell in the attack on Quebec, by Thomson, Charles (1776) Letter (first 4 pages) to François Kinlock at Geneva, about democracy advantage over monarchy, New York campaign, Regulator movement, by Laurens, John (1776) Letter (page 5) to François Kinlock at Geneva, about democracy advantage over monarchy, New York campaign, Regulator movement, by Laurens, John (1776) Letter about Gen. Lee's capture, Quakers, and surrender of Connecticut, by Stanley, Thomas (1776) Letter about possible alliance with British West Indies, criticizing Americans in Paris, but praising Edward Bancroft and William Carmichael, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter from John Glover, Gabriel Johonnet, and William Lee to the General Assembly, Massachusetts Bay about pay, by Glover, John; Johonnot, Gabriel, Lee, William (1776) Letter to Abigail Bishop, hoping for quick end to year's campaign, by Scammell, Alexander (1776) Letter to Artemas Ward ordering him to take a variety of actions regarding the Continental Army following the British evacuation of Boston, by Washington, George (1776) Letter to Augustin Laurent Guillaumier regarding events in Santo Domingo, naval encounters in the Caribbean, and American Revolution, by Bonnet, Joseph; Guillaumier (1776) Letter to Augustin Laurent Guillaumier, reporting on the arrival of British ships, the Battle of Long Island, by Jourdan, Joseph (1776) Letter to brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, urging him not to come to England, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to Capt John Cushing in Boxford, ordering him to recruit one fifth of his company, by Johnson, Samuel (1776) Letter to Capt. Hector McNeil about Capt. Pepper's treason, by Wooster, David (1776) Letter to Christopher Leffingwell about supplies and Gen. Israel Putnam's arrival, by Trumbull, Joseph (1776) Letter to Christopher Leffingwell requesting flour for army, by Trumbull, Joseph (1776) Letter to Col. Elias Dayton, 3rd Regiment and Commandant at Johnstown, about mutiny at Ft. Stanwix, Gen. Schuyler's delays, Oneida Indians, by Barber, Francis (1776) Letter to Col. James Burd, asking him to help Gen. Thomas Mifflin raise troops, by Ross, George (1776) Letter to Col. Joseph Jackson, delaying payment of debt because his own debtors have not paid, by Lombard, Solomon (1776) Letter to Commissary Richard Devens, asking him to give pistols to Stephen Hall who goes to Philadelphia on business for Harvard College, by Bowdoin, James (1776) Letter to Commissary Richard Devens, asking him to return to Capt. Stevens two barrels of gunpowder lent by Newburyport, by Dalton, Tristram (1776) Letter to Deputy Paymaster Ebenezer Hancock, authorizing payment to Dr. Isaac Rand for attending smallpox cases in army, by Ward, Artemas (1776) Letter to Ebenezer Hancock, allowing Thomas Chase 1500 for necessary expenses as Asst. Quarter Master, by Ward, Artemas (1776) Letter to Gen. James Warren about Congressional requisitions and surrender of Forts Washington and Lee, by Adams, Samuel (1776) Letter to Gen. John Thomas about fortifying Nook's Hill at night, by Palfrey, William (1776) Letter to General George Washington concerning plans for new fortifications at Castle, by Gridley, Richard (1776) Letter to General Horatio Gates, reporting victory over enemy, by ArnOLD & RARE, Benedict (1776) Letter to Gentlemen about shovels delivered to Roxbury, by Lincoln, Benjamin (1776) Letter to Henry Laurens about skirmishes with English boats in the Charleston Harbor, by Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth (1776) Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about early victory and Gen. James Grant's influence over Gen. Howe, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1776) Letter to his brother, Algernon Percy, about rebel defeat at Quebec, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1776) Letter to his brother, Augustin Laurent Guillamier, mentioning defeats of British by Americans, mutual friends, and business affairs, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1776) Letter to his brother, Augustin Laurent Guillaumier, on arrival of French squadron under Comte de Chaffault, burning of arsenal at Plymouth, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1776) Letter to his brother, Augustin Laurent Guillaumier, reporting arrival of ships from France, mentioning successes of American forces over British, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1776) Letter to his brother, Augustin Laurent Guillaumier, reporting presence of American privateers at Santo Domingo and military successes over British, by Guillaumier, Antoine (1776) Letter to his brother, Ebenezer Hancock, about appointment as Pay Master, by Hancock, John (1776) Letter to his brother, Ebenezer Hancock, enclosing his commission as Pay Master of Eastern Department in the Army of the United Colonies, by Hancock, John (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, at Boston about Battle of Quebec and John Wilkes's defeat at polls, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, at Boston, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, at Halifax, about American privateers and shortages in England, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, at Halifax, about New York campaign, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, at New York, asking about New York and Canadian campaigns, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his brother-in-law, Isaac Winslow, sending news of refugees and 100 for Winslow's services on Massachusetts Council, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to his daughter, Dorothy (Quincy) Hancock, about end of Siege of Boston and her brother Samuel's safe arrival at London, by Quincy, Edmund (1776) Letter to his father, Hugh Percy, 1st Duke of Northumberland, about Brooklyn battle, by Duke of Northumberland, Hugh Percy (1776) Letter to Isaac Winslow about Canada and General Burgoyne, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to Isaac Winslow at Boston about Lord Howe's departure and shortages, by Clarke, Richard (1776) Letter to James Warren, House Speaker of Representatives, on Congress' removal from Philadelphia, possible attacks from Canada, Russian troops in British army, by Adams, Samuel (1776) Letter to John Bradford in Boston, asking him to send arms to Washington at New York and enclosing a Declaration for you amusement, by Hancock, John (1776) Letter to John Bradford, continental agent at Boston, introducing Robert Falconer, by Hancock, John (1776) Letter to John Hancock about damage to Boston and evacuation by the British, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock about evacuation of Boston, by Lowell, John (1776) Letter to John Hancock about his son and business in Boston, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock at Philadelphia, 1st Letter, by Lowell, John (1776) Letter to John Hancock at Philadelphia, 2st Letter, by Lowell, John (1776) Letter to John Hancock at Philadelphia, 3rd Letter, by Lowell, John (1776) Letter to John Hancock hoping for eventual reign of peace and virtue in America, by Eliot, Andrew (1776) Letter to John Hancock in behalf of David Hopkins of Rhode Island, volunteer at Quebec, by Lux, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock in Philadelphia about General Court's problems with state constitution, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock in Philadelphia about reorganization of army and opposition to Continental Loan Office, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock, reporting that 12,000 men are building Continental ships at Providence, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to John Hancock, reporting that Continental currency is 25 percent below hard money, by Bant, William (1776) Letter to Maryland Council of Safety about Mr. Turnbull's delay, by Nicholson, James (1776) Letter to Mashech Weare about British ships at Rhode Island, by Bowdoin, James (1776) Letter to Medway Committee of Correspondence, proposing county assemblies for taxation, town land registries, by Bellingham (Mass.) Committee of Correspondence (1776) Letter to Messrs. Franklin, Dickinson, etc., the Secret Committee of the Continental Congress, about General du Coudray's delay, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter to Messrs. Franklin, Dickinson, Secret Committee Correspondence of Continental Congress, introducing M. Brougin seeks commission in cavalry, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter to mother Deborah Taylor, Halifax, Mass., describing British and American skirmishing around Boston, by Leach, Caleb (1776) Letter to Nathaniel Folsom about scouting outposts, by Badger, Joseph (1776) Letter to New Hampshire Committee about quarter master's commission for Joseph Smith, by Welch, Joseph (1776) Letter to Robert Morris and Richard Henry Lee about Baron de Kalb's departure for America, Franklin's arrival, an French fears of early peace, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter to Roger Sherman at Philadelphia, proposing that Congress should send missionaries to southern states instead of to Africa, by Hopkins, Samuel (1776) Letter to Samuel Chase dated Philadelphia, July 9, 1776, by Adams, John (1776) Letter to Sheriff Stephen Greenleaf, asking him to give 20 casements to Col. Thomas Crafts, by Brown, John (1776) Letter to Stephen Girard, at Versailles, criticizing Arthur Lee's arrival and Col. George Mercer's espionage in France, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter to Tapping Reeve about General Schuyler's superiority over Sir John Johnson and rumors that General Richard Montgomery is not dead, by Pierce, John (1776) Letter to the Secret Committee of the Continental Congress about Franklin's arrival and secrecy, by Deane, Silas (1776) Letter to the Selectmen of Boston criticizing harsh treatment of American prisoners at Halifax, by Lovell, James (1776) Letter to Timothy Edwards, acknowledging Washington's order to delay recruiting because there is no money for bounties, by Schuyler, Philip John (1776) Letters to my dearest friend about capture of Forts Constitution, Lee, and Washington, by Stanley, Thomas (1776) List of the numbers of Americans captured since 27 August during New York campaign, by Wells, Major (1776) Military permit to Col. Woodbridge permitting Nathaniel Rogers to work on Mt. Independence, by Trumbull, John (1776) Order by James Warren for the General Court to write Congressional delegates about raising troops, by Warren, James (1776) Order to Ebenezer Hancock, Deputy Paymaster, to pay Capt. Silvanus Drew for boats, by Ward, Artemas (1776) Order to Henry Gardner, treasurer of Massachusetts, authorizing Samuel Eliot to receive Preble's pay as General Court member, by Preble, Jedidiah (1776) Orders for Capt. Reuben Marcy to recruit 44 men, by Chester, John (1776) Petition authorizing 300 for poor Bostonians at Salem, by Boston (Mass.). Overseers of the Poor; Smith, Isaac; Warren, James; Adams, Samuel; Massachusetts. Council (1776) Petition to Medway Committee of Correspondence for return of Dr. Aaron Wight's papers, by Grant, William; Medway (Mass.) Committee of Correspondence (1776) Poems on witty subjects in Congress, by Ellery, William; Wythe, George (1776) Receipt for gunpowder from General Artemas Ward for (Number Four), by Griffen, John; Ward, Artemas (1776) Receipt for Thomas Burkman for 1 chest of firelocks hidden since Battle of Lexington, by Barrett, James; Burkman, Thomas (1776) Receipts for wages from Capt. James Bancroft, by Massachusetts. Militia. Regiment, 2nd (Middlesex County). b Company, 4th; Bancroft, James; Reed, Colonel, recipient (1776) Report on necessity of lowering prices and seeking aid from southern colonies, by Massachusetts. General Court. Committee of Inspection; Clarke, Elijah (1776) Resolution drafted at Medfield to lower prices in support of Continental Congress, by Massachusetts. General Court. Committee of Inspection; Clarke, Elijah (1776) Resolution of the Continental Congress granting General George Washington extraordinary powers for the creation of an army, by United States Continental Congress (1776) Subscription list among Loyalists for £144 for the relief of the poor in Boston during the British blockade, by Boston (Mass.). Citizens (1776) Warrant for arrest of John Lewis for drinking toast to King and English fleet, by Spencer, Joseph (1776) Normal 0 false false false MicrosoftInternetExplorer4 *****************Please make sure to check our other OLD & RARE eBooks collections Lists Each collection is unique~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Please note: we use unbranded generic USB 2.0 Flash Drives Our USB flash drives are formatted so they can run on any Apple or Windows PC The USB flash drive Color vary and you might get different Color than the one in the picture *******************Returns & Exchange PolicyDue to the nature of the item being a USB and it can be copied, there is no return on this item, but if the item is faulty please contact US via eBay's messaging service for the returns address. The item must be returned within 14 days and once received, a replacement will be shipped to you. We suggest returning items via trackable delivery service. 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44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB44 Old Rare American Revolutionary War of Independence Manuscripts (1776) on USB

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