Description: *** SPECIAL Mailing on this package of FINGER PICKS will be by USPS newest GROUND ADVANTAGE PARCEL PROGRAM at their 8- ounce Tier-Rate with the USPS Transit LOSS and/or DAMAGES Insurance in a small 5x5x5 cardboard box,,, with Air-Bubble-Wrapping at a TOTAL of $ 6.15 with a Tracking Number. Hiding the postage inside the Listing Price might NOT be in Your Best Interest ???I see alot of other sellers saying they STILL mail their picks by 1st class mail,,, That is in a regular unpadded,,, plain 0.68 cent stamped envelope without any Tracking,,, How do you know it was mailed and when or where it is ???."I" have asked My Post Office Counter Clerks and they tell me 1st Class Mail is NOW for LETTERS ONLY ???These type of picks could be damaged by postal machines,,, THAT is WHY I use a small BOX.That's NOT the way I do business and you can checkout my 100% Feedback from previous satisfied customers,,, many of whom are REPEAT BUYERS,,, they wouldn't comeback "IF" I wasn't treating them with the upmost customer care. I have been a member of EBAY since 2001,,, selling off a few of my collectable musical items from my Own Personal Retail Music Store,,, NOW semi-retired,,, enjoy the Hobby of EBAY,,, that pays for some of my groceries and getting to Eat OUT sometimes depending on sales.*** NOW,,, I AM "NOT" LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR UNDELIVERED,,, MIS-Directed,,, WRONG-Address,,, postal-person screw-UP on MAIL deliveries AND NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR MAILBOX OR PORCH-PIRATE THEIVES.*** HOWEVER WITH THIS NEW USPS G.A.P.P. MAILING,,, USPS IS INCLUDING THEIR TRANSIT INSURANCE GUARANTEED DELIVERY TO YOUR ADDRESS."IF" they do screw-up then after 21-days "I" can file a claim and wait for "US-BOTH" to get taken care of.*** EBAY "now" suggest for me to include this NEW Disclosure Statement due to a recent Neutral Feedback. A Buyer said The Picks Being Curved Did Not Feel Good To Me. EBAY says and I QUOTE--- "A previous buyer found an issue with a pick that was not as described in the Listing,,, HOWEVER EBAY DID "NOT" READ THE FULL DESCRIPTION. It was stated in My Terms & Conditions. But EBAY said "I" need to show it here.Therefore "NOW" I HAVE TO TELL YOU SPECIFICALLY,,, These picks Listed here are "NOT" Warranted,,, Guaranteed,,, Promised,,, and/or Implied that their Gauge Thickness,,, Texture or FEEL,,, Curved,,, Distorted,,, or Bent will be to YOUR Satisfaction. "I" am hereby stating to YOU these picks here are being SOLD AS-IS,,, AS-Received,,, Your playing Level experience is NOT part of this Listing,,, YOUR ability to HOLD ONTO,,, Like or Accept their FEEL and/or YOUR Talent to Play with these picks are NOT Guaranteed,,, Warranted,,, Promised,,, or Implied. THANK-YOU FOR YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING !!!!!NOW,,, What we have here up for your BUY-IT-NOW Considerations is 24 - Total Picks as shown & Photographed,,,, by Recording King.This ACTUAL package insert card says PG-633-X Rec King Fingerpick, Lvoroid, X-Large. Now here's the Deal >>>You get this ONE baggie of 12-Finger Picks at $1.98 times 12 picks = $ 23.76 and then I include another baggie of 12-Finger Picks at NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE,,, is BOGO. So you get 24-TOTAL Finger Picks in this Listing. Each of the picks in-my-opinion is a CREAM Off-White / Yellowish-Beige color to my eyes. Recording King Labels this as a Lvoroid material with Grain-Lines running thru it. "I" in-my-opinion think of it as an Ivory-Loid material a Type of Celluloid material with GRAIN-LINES. NOW I did provide many photo's of these exact picks you are getting,,, to show you that some of the finger holes are CLOSED,,, while others are OPEN,,, and a few are DISTORTED. You may be able to slightly HEAT THEM UP,,, with Warm Water and/or a Hair-Dryer "IF" you need to Re-Curl them to FIT your fingers. "I" am "NOT" stating that all of these picks are in acceptable wearable condition,,, THAT is the reason for the AS-IS disclosure BOGO,,, buy 12 and get 24. I tried Looking them up in some of my Old Dealer's Catalogs and came up dry. "I" am beginning to think these exact # PG-633-X PICKS are "NO" Longer in Production ??? Making them quite the COLLECTIBLE music memorabilia item ??? ESPECIALLY for someone who has tried these in the past and are finding them RARE and HARD-TO-FIND in a Brand-"NEW" condition ??? "So",,, I am going to offer these PICKS here at a closeout sale price of BUY-ONE GET-ONE. Due to my current situation of needing a few more extra funds each month to supplement my old-age Social Security retirement I am going to offer these UNIQUE and SPECIAL Picks here on EBAY. So,,, I am going to offer these picks here on EBAY at a BUY-IT-NOW price of $1.98 x12= $ 23.76,,, +plus My Mailing of the $6.15 Insured Transit Tracking Number Delivery. Other sellers are offering Standard Delivery ("I" don't know what that is ???) While others are quoting "UPS" GROUND ??? (too expensive). My Set of 24-picks will be MAILED thru the POST OFFICE .*** ALL OF THE ABOVE DESCRIPTIONS ARE "IN-MY-OPINION",,, based on the knowledge I have from 46 years in the Music Business,,, On-Line Sites,,, Dealer information sheets and/or catalogs,,, My opinions are Mine and are "NOT" guaranteed or warranted as "FACT" they are expressions to the Best-of-My-Opinion,,, Knowledge,,, Ability,,, and Research. *** I have now CLOSED my FULL-LINE Retail Music Store here in North Carolina and semi-retired after 46 years in the music business.This is one "LOT" of "24" FingerPicks # PG-633-X,,, that were Left over after our going-out-of-business sale,,, after I had packed up everything else and moved out of my building,,, I FOUND THIS PACKAGE HIDDEN INSIDE A CARDBOARD BOX INSIDE A PLASTIC STORAGE TUB CONTAINER WHERE I KEPT ALOT OF OLD,,, RARE,,, VINTAGE,,, COLLECTIBLE,,, NO-LONGER IN PRODUCTION,,, MISCELLANEOUS PICKS.ALL are NEW,,, some are UNIQUE,,, some are RARE,,, some are "NO" Longer in production. THAT IS WHY I HAVE CALLED THEM BRAND-NEW,,, (NOS), NEW OLD STOCK,,, Open-Box,,, NEW-OTHER,,, FROM MY OWN Personal Retail Music Store SHOWCASE DISPLAY / SELLING AS-IS,,, as you receive IT / THEM ,,, and have LISTED THEM here at the FINAL CLOSEOUT LIQUIDATION AS-IS SALE PRICE.*** PER eBay's new 2020 policy is for me to inform you THIS and / or THESE Items are Listed here as NO RETURNS ( "FINAL SALE" ). *** MY SELLERS TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO THIS ELECTRONIC CONTRACT ***, I am selling this "PACKAGE LOT" of 24 individual PICKS as shown,,, here on eBay as a final closeout Liquidation AS-IS Sale,,, NO refunds,,, NO returns,,, NO exchanges,,, as-is as you receive IT / THEM, No CLAIMS "NOT" AS DESCRIBED PROBLEMS, I have described IT / THEM to the best of my ability as photographed and written IN-MY-OPINION,,, and Packaged,,, YOU accept THESE PICKS AS-IS as received,,, as an AUCTION or BUY-IT-NOW closeout sale,,, there will be No stop payments thru Pay-pal,,, NO STOP PAYMENTS AND/OR CANCELLATIONS THRU THE NEW EBAY MANAGED PAYMENTS,,, No charge-backs thru your debit or credit card company,,, No complaining,,, NO buyers remorse,,, No promises,,, NO warranty ,,, NO guarantees,,, You hereby accept IT / THEM AS-IS,,, AS YOU RECEIVE THEM,,, AS described in this advertisement,,, AS PACKAGED,,, DUE TO IT BEING "NEW OLD STOCK",,, NEW-OTHER,,, & OPEN-BOX,,, I CAN "NOT" AND WILL "NOT" GUARANTEE IT'S OR THEIR TONE QUALITY,,, SOUND FEEL TO YOUR EARS,,, FEEL OR GRIP IN YOUR FINGERS,,, ANY CURVED,,, DISTORTED,,, BENT OR UNUSUAL FACTS,,, OR ANY DIS-COLORATION ,,, Scuff marks,,, handling storage marks,,, AND/OR any TARNISH ON IT, THEM, OR ITSELF viewed by the photographs of the actual picks ,,, I HAVE HEARD ABOUT EVERY BUYERS REMORSE EXCUSE THAT THERE IS IN THE 46 YEARS I'VE BEEN IN THE RETAIL MUSIC BUSINESS,,, and THAT IS WHY I CAN NOT GUARANTEE A PERSONAL BUYERS TASTE,,, AND/OR A 3rd PARTY / PERSON / AND/OR COMPANY OPINIONS.That is SUBJECTIVE AND PERSONAL. I CAN NOT GUARANTEE OR WARRANTY PERSONAL OPINIONS OF OTHERS.THE AS-IS DESCRIPTION IS JUST THAT,,, AS-IS MEANS AS-IS. THANK-YOU !!! I have CLOSED my store, GONE OUT-OF-BUSINESS & "RETIRED",,, and this is why I can NOT take returns on these items as such on a discounted closeout sale Liquidation item price. YOUR BID AND/OR BUY-IT-NOW OPTION PRICE HEREBY ENTERS YOU INTO THIS ELECTRONIC CONTRACT WITH THE ABOVE STATED AND LISTED TERMS AND CONDITIONS OF THIS SALE. SHOWING YOU EXACTLY WHAT THE SHIPPING & HANDLING WILL BE ON THIS PACKAGE. YOUR CLICKING THE BUY / PURCHASE AND/OR BIDDING AUCTION BUTTON , HEREBY AGREEING TO BUY THESE PICKS AS-IS,,, AND HEREBY STATES AND ACKNOWLEDGES YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF THIS AUCTION SALE AND WILL HEREBY AND HEREAFTER AGREE TO ABIDE BY THE TERMS AS-IS AS STATED. Take a gamble its a GOOD piece at a GOOD PRICE !!!. RISK OF LOSS PROBLEMS:,,, WITH A SHIPMENT CONTRACT, YOU THE BUYER BEARS THE RISK OF LOSS PROBLEMS FOR THIS AND/OR THESE ITEMS PRIOR TO RECEIVING THEM. EVEN IN THE CASE OF PORCH or Mailbox THEIVES "IF" THE TRACKING NUMBER HAS IDENTIFIED THE PACKAGE AS "DELIVERED",,, THEN IT WAS DELIVERED. HERE, THE SELLER'S ONLY "LAST" DUTY OF REQUIREMENT IS TO GET THE GOODS TO A COMMON CARRIER SUCH AS THE GOVERNMENT UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE,,,AND/OR FEDEX TERMINAL IF STATED IN SHIPPING,,, AND MAKE PROPER DELIVERY FREE-ON-BOARD [F.O.B.],,, TO THE POSTAL CLERK IN FAYETTEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA OR THE FEDEX TERMINAL SHIPPING CLERK IN FAYETTEVILLE, N.C. AFTER TRACKING AND PERSONAL RECEIPT OF ACCEPTANCE BY USPS AND/OR FEDEX,, IF ANY PROBLEM OCCURS YOU THE BUYER BEARS THE RISK OF THE PROBLEM,,, "IF" its NOT INSURED,,, AND ARE STILL FULLY LIABLE FOR THIS ITEMS FULL PAYMENT PRICE COSTS,,, AS STATED BY THE UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE ARTICLE 2. I PERSONALLY SHIP AND/OR MAIL NOTHING WITHOUT A TRACKING NUMBER,,, HOWEVER ONCE I HAVE GIVEN YOUR PACKAGE TO THE CARRIER I THEN HAVE NO FURTHER CONTROL OF WHAT THE CARRIER AND/OR THEIR DELIVERY PERSONS AND/OR HANDLERS DO WITH YOUR ITEM. MY RESPONSIBILITY ENDS ONCE THE CARRIER ACCEPTS AND RECEIVES THE PACKAGE AND GIVES ME SUCH AN ACCEPTANCE RECEIPT. I'M "NOT" LIABLE FOR PORCH-PIRATES or MAILBOX THEIVES. INSURANCE IS OFFERED AND/OR PAID FOR ON CERTAIN MAIL OR ALL FEDEX DELIVERIES. USPS OFFERS AN INSURANCE PROTECTION THRU THEIR GROUND ADVANTAGE PARCEL PROGRAM OF A GUARANTEED DELIVERY. HOWEVER THIS TYPE OF DELIVERY INSURANCE DOES "not" COVER PORCH or MAILBOX THEIVES. ALL ITEMS PURCHASED FROM EBAY ARE MADE PURSUANT TO THIS UCC SHIPMENT CONTRACT !!! THIS MEANS THAT THE RISK OF LOSS PROBLEMS AND TITLE OWNERSHIP FOR THESE SUCH ITEMS YOU PURCHASED AND PAID FOR PRIOR TO SHIPMENT PASSES AND TRANSERS TO YOU UPON ME DELIVERING IT TO THE CARRIER SHIPPER. WE ARE ALSO "NOT" HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL OR INCIDENTAL DAMAGE PROBLEMS RESULTING FROM THE SALE AND/OR USE OF ANY MERCHANDISE BOUGHT FROM US. ALL RISK LIES WITHIN AND TO YOU THE BUYER / PURCHASER. YOUR CLICKING THE BUY / PURCHASE AND/OR BIDDING BUTTON AGREEING TO BUY THIS ITEM AND/OR ITEMS ARE AS-IS AS STATED,,, "YOU" HEREBY STATE AND ACKNOWLEDGE YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING OF THIS SALE,,, IT'S DELIVERY TO THE CARRIER COUNTER CLERK AND "YOU" WILL HEREBY AND HEREAFTER AGREE TO ABIDE BY THESE TERMS AS-IS, AS STATED. "IF" you cannot accept the above seller terms & AS-IS Conditions then please do not buy it or BID on it.GIVE SOMEONE ELSE THE CHANCE TO ACCEPT IT AS-IS, AS A BARGAIN, AT THIS DISCOUNTED CLOSEOUT PRICE.THANK-YOU IN ADVANCE OF YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING TO THESE RULES AND CONDITIONS !!! We are also showing you what the mailing with the USPS tracking number,,, on this PICK PACKAGE will cost and the AIR-Bubble- LINED- Wrapping Envelope we use as our packaging,,, OR in some cases a small cardboard box. Hiding the shipping cost inside the price and saying STANDARD SHIPPING ,,, YOU DON't KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GETTING ???What is Standard Shipping anyway ??? Because we know that you know there is NO SUCH THING AS FREE SHIPPING,,, we show you the actual cost and how we arrived at it by the USPS rates. OUR prices many times added up to equal and/or sometimes offer a better price than other sellers including their Free Shipping ???Do YOUR Math and check-out everyones FEEDBACK RATING,,, then you will know where and when you are getting a better DEAL !!! Someone has to pay the POSTAGE fee, Insurance fee and for the packaging,,, these items or things are NOT actually supplied for free,,, LOL. *** AND with us you know exactly what you are getting for your prices,,, and NOT having to assume what you are getting for FREE. AND WE "NEVER" JUST MAIL IN A 0.68 CENT ENVELOPE UNPADDED !!! With NO TRACKING or Transit Insurance protection when OFFERED,,, When its FREE,,,I bet its NOT as good as we do ???WE explain and show you what you are getting and how much it costs !!! FED-EX and UPS were "NOT" an option,,, much higher is costs. Thank-you for L@@KING at all of our CLOSEOUT MUSICAL MERCHANDISE IN OTHER E-BAY ADVERTISEMENTS.Check-OUT all of my other PICK Listings especially the CREDIT CARD STYLE PikCards you can carry in your wallet or the GRIP brand of picks ergonomically CURVED so that your can hold on to it in-between your fingers,,, or the Vintage McPherson Studio Design brand of picks with the Triangular Center Hole so the pick doesn't spin in your fingers. All -3- Brands are UNIQUE and ORIGINAL in their own rights. *** INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING IS AVAILABLE THRU THE E-BAY GLOBAL SHIPPING CENTER AND THEY,,, "EBAY" themselves,,, WILL QUOTE YOU ON WHAT THE INTERNATIONAL MAILING AND CUSTOM FEES WILL COST YOU TO YOUR SPECIFIC COUNTRY. I DO NOT HAVE ANY SAY SO AND/OR CONTROL OVER THESE PRICES, CHARGES, OR FEES ASSOCIATED WITH OVERSEAS, INTERNATIONAL MAILING AND/OR SHIPPING,,, RE-BOXING AND/OR RE-PACKAGING BY EBAY GLOBAL THEIR HANDLERS AND/OR THE CUSTOMS AGENTS,,, THAT E-BAY GLOBAL AND/OR THEIR HANDLERS USES AT THEIR DESCISION. ANY ADDITIONAL TAXES, FEES, DUTY, IMPORT OR CUSTOMS FEES IMPOSED AFTER OR DURING THE SHIPMENT WILL NOT BE INCLUDED AND ARE YOUR THE BUYER'S RESPONSIBILITY PER YOUR SPECIFIC COUNTRIES RULES AND REGULATIONS. AS PER EBAY'S USA SELLERS POLICY ,,, ONCE THE PACKAGE HAS BEEN DELIVERED,,, RECEIVED AND ACCEPTED BY EBAY GLOBAL IN KENTUCKY USA,,, MY RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PACKAGE AND/OR ITS CONTENTS ARE NO LONGER MY RESPONSIBILITY AND OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL.THANK-YOU FOR YOUR COMPLETE UNDERSTANDING IN THESE MATTERS !!!
Price: 23.76 USD
Location: Fayetteville, North Carolina
End Time: 2024-11-28T20:15:40.000Z
Shipping Cost: 6.15 USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Custom Bundle: YES
Color: Lvoroid Grained Cream / Yellow-Beige see photo's
Material: Lvoroid type of Celluloid Grained
MPN: PG-633-X
To Fit: Acoustic Electric Guitar, Acoustic Guitar, Electric Guitar, Lap & Pedal Steel Guitar, Travel Guitar, 12-String Guitar, Autoharp
California Prop 65 Warning: UNKNOWN ???
Personalize: No
Type: Finger Pick XL extra-Large
Unit Type: Unit
Model: 24 Total Picks as shown & Photographed.
SEE FULL DESCRIPTION OF PICKS: 24-picks in this package as shown
Country/Region of Manufacture: China
Unit Quantity: 12-picks in each baggie / 2-baggies = 24 total picks