

Description: * MORMONS AND LATTER DAY SAINTS * 200+ RARE ANCIENT BOOKS PDF/TXT on DVD * This is the ultimate rare books collection on DVD, consisting of over 200+ rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier!. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. Over 200+ Titles: Mormonism Unveiled: Or, The Life and Confessions of a Late Mormon Bishop. by John Doyle Lee, William W. Bishop - 1877 - 390 pages Mormonism and Prostitution, article in the Medical Council 1909 The Sex Determinant in Mormon Theology, A Study in the Erotogenesis of Religion, article in The Alienist and Neurologist 1908 Mormonism- a serio-comic poem by Peter Dodds 1890 Incest in Mormonism, article in American Journal of Urology and Sexology 1915 Joseph the Prophet ("There is more connection between Mormonism and Spiritualism than many dream of.") article in Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine 1881 The True Origin of the Book of Mormon by Charles Shook 1914 Psychological Tests for the Authorship of the Book of Mormon, article in The American Journal of Psychology The "Manuscript Found" by Solomon Spaulding 1886 (some believe the Book of Mormon copied from this book) Mormon Fanaticism Exposed by T Parsons 1841 The Mysterious Book of Mormon by Charles J. Sundberg 1917 The Two Prophets of Mormonism, article in The Catholic World 1878 Mormonism, its leaders and designs by John Hyde 1857 Book of Mormon - Is It from God by MT Lamb 1885 New Religions of the 19th Century - Mormonism, article in The Homiletic Review 1903 Mormonism- Its Origin Doctrines and Dangers by Rev TW Young 1900 The Mormons and their Bible by MT Lamb 1901 Mormonism - Unscriptural Pagan and Immoral by Scott Hershey 1900 Mormonism Unveiled 1855 "Christian" and "Mormon" Doctrine by Charles Ellis 1902 The Prophet of Palmyra - Mormonism Reviewed and Examined by T Gregg 1890 Joseph Smith, an Imposter by J Dunlop 1851 The Mormon Propaganda, article in The Homiletic review 1899 Blood atonement as taught by leading elders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Charles Penrose 1916 Blood atonement and the origin of plural marriage by Joseph Fielding Smith 1900 Mormonism Explained and Exposed by Dawson Burns 1853 Mormonism Exposed by Richard Whitehead Young 1885 Mormonism exposed, the other side, a Clergyman's View of the case by Rev. John C. Kimball 1884 Mormonism Exposed. Joseph Smith an Imposter and the Book of Mormon a fraud by GB Hancock 1902 Quiet chats on Mormonism (Deseret News) 1902 The Birth of Mormonism by John Quincy Adams 1916 The Fruits Of Mormonism by Franklin S Harris 1922 The Mormon monster by E Fold 1900 A Study of Mormonism, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1902 A Crisis in the Mormon Church, article in The Independent 1898 Lights and shadows of Mormonism by Josiah Gibbs 1909 Under the Prophet in Utah - the national menace of a Political Priestcraft by Frank Cannon 1911 Mormonism and the Mormons by Alonzo Mansfield Bullock 1898 Life of Joseph the Prophet by Edward Tullidge 1880 The life of Joseph Smith, the prophet by George Cannon 1907 Mormonism and the Mormons - a historical view of the rise and progress of the sect self-styled Latter-Day Saints by D Kidder 1856 A Detective's Experience among the Mormons by Fred Bennett 1887 Mormonism the Islam of America by Bruce Kinney 1912 The Doctrines and Dogmas of Mormonism examined and refuted by DH Bays 1897 Delusions - an analysis of the Book of Mormon by Alexander Campbell 1832 Male Life among the Mormons by Austin Ward 1863 The Mystery of Mormonism by Stuart Martin 1920 New Light on Mormonism by Ellen Dickinson 1885 Objections to the Book of Mormon and the Book of Doctrine and Covenants Refuted by Joseph R. Lambert1894 Polygamy - The mysteries and crimes of Mormonism by JH Beadle 1882 The religious, social, and political history of the Mormons by Charles Mackay 1859 The Pearl of Great Price 1882 Doctrine and Covenants 1922 A Dictionary of the Book of Mormon 1891 by George Reynolds The Book of Mormon 1854 The Book of Mormon 1921 The Holy Scriptures, Inspired Version by Joseph Smith 1867 The Acts of the Elders: commonly called the Book of Abraham 1846 A Complete Concordance to the Book of Mormon by George Reynolds 1900 The Lesser Priesthood and notes on church government with a Concordance of the Doctrine and Covenants by JB Keeler 1906 Mormonism in all Ages - The rise, progress, and causes of Mormonism with the biography of its author and founder, Joseph Smith by JB Turner 1842 Fallacies and Frailties of Faith, article in The Free thought magazine 1898 The Bible and Polygamy. Does the Bible sanction polygamy? (Debate) by Orson Pratt etc, 1874 Polygamy in Utah by D Gooch 1860 The Polygamy Question by Eli Thayer 1860 Sources of the Dangers of Mormonism, article in Bibliotheca Sacra 1901 The History of the Saints - An Exposé of Joe Smith and Mormonism by JC Bennett 1842 Plural marriage in America - a critical examination by J Smith 1903 The History and Philosophy of Marriage - Polygamy and monogamy compared by EN Jencks 1885 An Appeal to the American Congress, the Bible law of marriage against Mormonism 1873 Was Joseph Smith a polygamist? by H Smith 1899 The Mormon's Own Book - Mormonism tried by its own Standards - Reason and Scripture by TWP Taylder 1855 A Castout Mormon by Alva A. Tanner 1919 Scientific Aspects of Mormonism by NL Nelson 1918 Brigham Young and his Mormon empire by Frank Cannon 1913 Mormonism. The relation of the church to Christian sects by BH Roberts 1903 Religious Delusions- Studies of the False Faiths of Today by James Vincent Coombs 1904 True Succession in Church Presidency of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints by H Smith 1898 The Plausible Logic of Mormonism Refuted by Peter Drummond 1854 Mormonism Refuted in the Light of Scripture and History by John Larsen 1899 The False Prophet Tested - Mormonism Refuted by J. F. Fishwick 1853 The Mormons - article in The American Catholic Quarterly Review 1879 Origin of the "Reorganized" Church and the Question of Succession by JF Smith 1909 Christ or Barabbas? a Word on Mormonism by J Smith 1850 Utah and the Mormons - the history, government, doctrines, customs, and prospects of the Latter-Day Saints by Benjamin Ferris 1854 Joseph Smith, the great American impostor by Thomas Tyson 1852 A Defence of the Claims of James J. Strang to the authority now usurped by the Twelve and shewing him to be the true successor of Joseph Smith, as first president of the high priesthood by R Miller 1846 2000 Qospel Quotations from the Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and Pearl of Great Price by Henry H Rolapp 1918 Origin and History of the Mormonites, article in The Eclectic Magazine of Foreign Literature 1850 Orpheus: a General History of Religions by Salomon Reinach 1909 The Profits of Religion- an essay in Economic Interpretation by Upton Sinclair 1918 Some Outlines of the Religion of Experience by HJ Bridges 1916 Curious Literary Frauds, article in The Era Magazine 1903 The Tragedy of the Mormon Woman by Marian Bonsall 1908 A Mormon Wife by Grace Wilbur Trout 1912 Dictionary of Sects and Heresies by JH Blunt 1874 Religion Theology and Morals by Harvey Scott, Volume 1, 1917 Religion Theology and Morals by Harvey Scott, Volume 2, 1917 The Story of the Book of Mormon by George Reynolds 1888 The Mormon Question (Article) in the The Magazine of Christian Literature 1890 Economic Aspects of Mormonism (Article) in Harper's Magazine 1903 The Women of Mormonism - The Story of Polygamy by Jennie Froiseth 1882 Wife No. 19 - A Life in Bondage, A Complete Ezpose of Mormonism ny Ann E Young 1875 Women Under Polygamy by Walter Matthew Gallichan 1915 The case against Mormonism by Robert Webb 1915 A Complete Concordance to the Book of Mormon 1900 by George Reynolds A Concordance of the Doctrine and Covenants, and The lesser Priesthood by JB Keeler 1903 Heroines of Mormondom 1884 History of Woman Suffrage By Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan Brownell Anthony, Matilda Joslyn Gage Excerpt: Many Protestant divines have written in favor of polygamy. John Lyser, a Lutheran minister, living in the latter part of the seventeenth century, defended it strongly in a work entitled "Polygarnia Triumphatrix." A former general of the Capuchin Order, converted to the Protestant faith, published, in the sixteenth century, a book of " Dialogues in Favor of Polygamy." Rev. Mr. Madan, a Protestant divine, in a treatise called " Thalypthora," maintained that Paul's injunctions that bishops should be the husbands of one wife, signified that laymen were permitted to marry more than one. The scholarly William Ellery Channing could find no prohibition of polygamy in the New Testament. In his "Remarks on the Character and Writings of John Milton," he says: "We believe it to be an indisputable fact, that although Christianity was first preached in Asia, which had been from the earliest days the seat of polygamy, the apostles never denounced it as a crime, and never required their converts to put away all wives but one. No express prohibition of polygamy is found in the New Testament." "Tell it All": the Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism: An Autobiography Inluding a Full Account of the Mountain Meadows Massacre by T. B. H. Stenhouse 1878 An Old Mormon City in Missouri (Article) in The Magazine of American History 1886 The Mormon Church and the Sugar Trust (Article) in Hampton's Magazine 1910 Mormon or Patriot (Article) in Leslie's Monthly Magazine 1904 WS Godbe on Polygamy in Tullidge's Quarterly Magazine 1881 Mormonism and the Mormons in Graham's Magazine 1858 DELUSIONS - AN ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK OF MORMON WITH AN EXAMINATION OF ITS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL EVIDENCES, AND A REFUTATION OF ITS PRETENCES TO DIVINE AUTHORITY by Alexander Campbell 1832 The Mormons. or Latter Day Saints in Arthurs Home Magazine 1853 Absurdities of Immaterialism - Reply to Remarks on Mormonism by Orson Pratt Spiritualism Among the Mormons in Spiritualism Magazine 1860 (some difficult to read) American Anthropology Disproving the Book of Mormon by Charles Shook 1916 Who wrote the Book of Mormon? by Robert Patterson The Letters of an Apostate Mormon to his Son by Hans Freece 1908 The Mormon Puzzle and How to Solve it by RW Beers 1887 The Mormon's Mistake, or, What is the Gospel? by HA Ironside Plus you get mp3 files of a female computer voice reading, AN ANALYSIS OF THE BOOK OF MORMON WITH AN EXAMINATION OF ITS INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL EVIDENCES History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints by Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Brigham Henry Roberts - 1902 The Book of Mormon: An Account by Joseph Smith - 1854 The True Origin of the Book of Mormon by Charles Augustus Shook The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon Upon Plates by Joseph Smith - 1920 - 568 pages The Mormon Country: A Summer with the "Latter-Day Saints" by John Codman 1874 A Visit to Salt Lake: Being a Journey Across the Plains, and a Residence in ... by William Chandless - 1857 - 346 pages The Mormon Menace; by John Doyle Lee, Alfred Henry Lewis - Mountain Meadows Massacre, Utah, 1857 - 1905 - 368 pages Louis, 1881) published under title: Mormonism unveiled; including the remarkable life and confessions of John D. Lee . My Summer in a Mormon Village by Florence Merriam Bailey 1894 The Mormon Battalion: Its History and Achievements by Brigham Henry Roberts - 1846-1848 - 1919 - 96 pages William Clayton's Journal: A Daily Record of the Journey of the Original Company of Mormon Pioneers by William Clayton 1921 The Heart of the Continent: A Record of Travel Across the Plains with an examination of the Mormon Principle by Fitz Hugh Ludlow 1870 The Story of the Book of Mormon by George Reynolds - 1888 - 494 pages Twelve Mormon Homes Visited in Succession on a Journey Through Utah to Arizona by Elizabeth Wood Kane 1874 The Mormon Wife: A Life Story of the Sacrifices, Sorrows and Sufferings of a Woman by Maria Ward 1873 The Prophet of the Nineteenth Century; Or, The Rise, Progress, and Present State of Mormons with an Analysis of the Book of Mormon by Henry Caswall 1843 The Mormon Problem the Nation's Dilemma by T. W. Curtis - 1885 Joseph Smith as Scientist: A Contribution to Mormon Philosophy by John Andreas Widtsoe - 1908 - 173 pages A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War. 1846-1847 by Daniel Tyler, John Taylor, Thomas Leiper Kane 1846-1848 - 1881 The Mormon Menace: A Discourse Before the New West Education Commission by George Whitfield Phillips, New West Education Commission - 1885 The Mormon Doctrine of Deity: The Roberts-Van Der Donckt Discussion, to ... by Brigham Henry Roberts, Cyril Van der Donckt - 1903 - 296 pages Fifteen Years Among the Mormons: Being the Narrative of Mrs. Mary Ettie V Smith by Nelson Winch Green - 1859 - 408 pages The Mormon Saints: The Story of Joseph Smith, His Golden Bible, and the Church he Founded by George Seibel 1919 - 103 pages History of Utah: Comprising Preliminary Chapters on the Previous History of her Founder...The Advent of the Mormon Pioneers by Orson Ferguson Whitney 1892 Mormonism: Embracing the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Sect : with an Examination of the Book of Mormon by James H. Hunt, G. W. Westbrook - 1844 - 338 pages Exposé of Pologamy in Utah: A Lady's Life Among the Mormons. by T. B. H. Stenhouse 1872 - 221 pages The Inside of Mormonism: A Judicial Examination of Endowment Oaths ... by United States District court. Utah, Henry G. McMillan, United States 1903 - 93 pages The Golden Bible: Or, The Book of Mormon. Is it from God? by Martin Thomas Lamb - 1887 - 344 pages The psychological and ethical aspects of Mormon group life by Ephraim Edward Ericksen - 1922 - 101 pages The Mormon Menace by Bp Samuel Fallows, Helen May (Fallows) Williams - 1903 - 122 pages Cosmopolitan Magazine Versus the Mormon Church (1911) Article One: The Viper on the Hearth - Mormonism - Its Plots, Plans and Intrigues Against American Homes by Alfred Henry Lewis Article Two: The Trail of the Viper - How the slimy trail of Mormonism, blazed by Prophet Smith and his political satellites, stretches across the continent in the nation's Capitol, foreshadowing the vicious domination of Mormon influence by Alfred Henry Lewis Also comes with the article from the Missouri Historical Review entitled "Mormon Troubles in Missouri." Also comes with an article in McClure's Magazine (1911) entitled, "The Mormon Revival of Polygamy" by Burton J. Hendrick Apples of Sodom: A Story of Mormon Life by Rosetta Luce Gilchrist - 322 pages The Mormon Prophet and His Harem; Or, An Authentic History of Brigham Young by Catharine Van Valkenburg Waite - 1867 - 298 pages The Martyrdom of Joseph Standing; Or, The Murder of a "Mormon" Missionary by John Nicholson - 1886 The Real Mormonism: A Candid Analysis by Robert C. Webb - 1916 Female Life Among the Mormons: A Narrative of Many Years' Personal Experience by Maria Ward 1858 White Supremacy and Negro Subordination; Or, Negroes a Subordinate Race by John H. Van Evrie 1870 Excerpt: Some have supposed that at some remote period the ancestors of the people discovered by the Spanish adventurers on this continent crossed over Behring's Strait, and that very likely there was a continuous link of islands connecting the continents of Asia and America. Others have fancied regular migrations, at various times, from the Asiatic continent; and even apparently intelligent persons in other respects have supposed that the "ten lost tribes" found their way to America. Indeed, this is rather a favorite speculation with a great many who have undertaken to account for the presence of human beings on this continent; and oddly enough, a large and notorious religious sect have not only accepted it, but have made it the fundamental basis of their religious belief. The Founder of Mormonism: A Psychological Study of Joseph Smith, Jr. by Woodbridge Riley 1903 Early Days of Mormonism: Palmyra, Kirtland, and Nauvoo by James Harrison Kennedy 1888 Ames on Forgery: Its Detection and Illustration, with Numerous Causes Celecres by Daniel T. Ames 1900 Questioned Documents: A Study of Questioned Documents with an Outline of Methods by which the facts may be discovered. by Albert Sherman Osborn 1910 A Treatise on Disputed Handwriting and the Determination of Genuine from Forged Signatures by William Elijah Hagan 1894 Abuses of Justice: Illustrated by My Own Case : Disclosing Various Practices by John Mackcoull- 1812 Forgeries and False Entries by William Edward Hingston 1909 The Real Mormonism: A Candid Analysis by Robert C. Webb 1916 Chapter 27 "Did Solomon Spaulding write the Book of Mormon" Cumorah Revisited: Or, "The Book of Mormon" and the Claims of the Mormons by Charles Augustus Shook 1910 A Fourfold Test of Mormonism by Henry Clay Sheldon 1914 THE ORIGIN OF THE SPAULDING STORY, CONCERNING THE M A N U S C R I P T F O U N D; WITH A SHORT BIOGRAPHY OF DR. P. HULBERT, THE ORIGINATOR OF THE SAME; AND SOME TESTIMONY ADDUCED, SHOWING IT TO BE A SHEER FABRICATION, SO FAR AS ITS CONNECTION WITH THE BOOK OF MORMON IS CONCERNED. 1840 (in txt format) The "manuscript story" of Reverend Solomon Spalding : or, "Manuscript found" : from a verbatim copy of the original now in the Library of Oberlin College, Ohio : including correspondence touching the manuscript, its preservation and transmission until it came into the hands of the publishers (1885?) Plus you get the following Book written by Mormons: The 1830 Palmyra Book of Mormon (featured in the picture) Songs from the Golden Gate by Ina Donna Coolbrith, William Keith - 1895 A Voice from the Silence by Charles Philip Nettleton, Ina Donna Coolbrith 1904 Poetical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln 1865 INA D. COOLBRITH "In 1851 a the age of ten, Ina traveled to California with her mother and step father, William Pickett. Her first poems were published when she was only 12. At the age of 17, her infant son died tragically and her marriage dissolved. In 1906, she lost her home and all her possessions in the San Francisco fire. Through the generosity of the best known writers of the day, another home was built for her. During her lifetime, she received many honors. In 1915, she was named the first poet laureate of California. She was born in Nauvoo to Don Carlos Smith (Joseph's brother) and Agnes Coolbrith. They named her Josephine Donna Smith. Her father died of malaria the year of her birth. Her mother became a plural wife to Joseph Smith and then George A. Smith" History of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, Period 1, History of Joseph Smith the Prophet by Himself, Volume VI by by Brigham Henry Roberts - 1912 Jesus the Christ: A Study of the Messiah and His Mission by James Edward Talmage - 1915 The Great Apostasy: Considered in the Light of Scriptural and Secular History by James Edward Talmage 1909 The Story of "Mormonism," by James Edward Talmage 1920 The Vitality of Mormonism by James Edward Talmage 1919 The Articles of Faith: A Series of Lectures on the Principle Doctrines of the Church of Latter Day Saints by by James Edward Talmage 1899 The Philosophical Basis of "Mormonism": An Address Delivered by Invitation by James Edward Talmage 1915 Domestic Science: A Book for Use in Schools and for General Reading by James Edward Talmage 1892 History of Utah Vol. 4 by Orson Ferguson Whitney 1904 A Series of Pamphlets on the Doctrines of the Gospel by Orson Pratt - 1899 Excerpt: Bellarmiae testifies that the Greek copies of the Old Testament are so corrupted, that they seem to make a new translation, quite different from the translations of other copies. All, therefore, is Uncertainty as to the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts of the Old Testament ; they can be proved to be changed, added unto and corrupted in almost every text. It is abundantly proved by various learned writers, that the Greek copies of the New Testament are awfully corrupted in almost every text. An Englishwoman in Utah: The Story of a Life's Experience in Mormonism - Page 323 by T. B. H. Stenhouse 1880 The Rocky Mountain Saints: A Full and Complete History of the Mormons by Thomas B. H. Stenhouse 1873 Reminiscences of Latter-day Saints by Lyman Omer Littlefield 1888 A Voice of Warning, and Instruction to All People by Parley Parker Pratt 1854 Key to the Science of Theology: Designed as an Introduction by Parley Parker Pratt 1891 The Children's Friend (Volume 3) 1903 From Kirtland to Salt Lake City by James A. Little 1890 The pearl of great price by Joseph Smith - 1882 The Doctrine and Covenants of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints by Joseph Smith 1923 - 300 pages The Book of Mormon: An Account Written by the Hand of Mormon Upon Plates by Joseph Smith - 1920 - 560 pages The Mormon Saints: The Story of Joseph Smith, His Golden Bible by George Seibel (not sure if he is actually Mormon) - 1919 Prophecies of Jesus: Or The Fulfillment of the Predictions of Our Saviour and his Prophets by John Gotlieb Matteson 1895 Mormonism: Embracing the Origin, Rise and Progress of the Sect : with an Examination of the Book of Mormon, also, Their Troubles in Missouri and Final Expulsion from the State by James H. Hunt, G. W. Westbrook (not sure if they are actually Mormon) 1844 Book of Mormon Ready References: For the Use of Students and Missionaries by William A. Morton 1898 The Martyrdom of Joseph Standing; Or, The Murder of a "Mormon" Missionary by John Nicholson 1886 Philosophy of Popular Superstitions and the effects of credulity and imagination upon the moral, social, and intellectual condition of the human race by Samuel Emmons 1853 Latter-day Saints Biographical Encyclopedia - a compilation of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Volume 1, 1901 Latter-day Saints Biographical Encyclopedia - a compilation of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Volume 2, 1901 Latter-day Saints Biographical Encyclopedia - a compilation of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Volume 3, 1901 Latter-day Saints Biographical Encyclopedia - a compilation of Biographical Sketches of Prominent Men and Women in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Volume 4, 1901 ... Ultimate Books Collection ...

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The Signs of the Times, Joseph Fielding Smith  Mormon LDS 1952.
The Signs of the Times, Joseph Fielding Smith Mormon LDS 1952.


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Prisoner of Zion: Muslims, Mormons and - 9781619021211, paperback, Scott Carrier
Prisoner of Zion: Muslims, Mormons and - 9781619021211, paperback, Scott Carrier


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3 Vol. Mormonism Under the Microscope by Joel M. Allred 3 HC/DJ Mormon critique
3 Vol. Mormonism Under the Microscope by Joel M. Allred 3 HC/DJ Mormon critique


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Religion of Latter Day Saints LDS Church Book Mormon Lowell L Bennion 1965 Red
Religion of Latter Day Saints LDS Church Book Mormon Lowell L Bennion 1965 Red


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Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith - VERY GOOD
Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith - VERY GOOD


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Vintage 1993 Spanish Book of Mormon El Libro De Mormon Doctrina Y Convenios LDS
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Mormons How God Loves Them Book LDS Religion Charlotte Pardee
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It's Christmas! by Mormon Tabernacle Choir (Cassette, Mar-1989, Sony Music)
It's Christmas! by Mormon Tabernacle Choir (Cassette, Mar-1989, Sony Music)


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Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith
Leaving the Saints: How I Lost the Mormons and Found My Faith


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