

Description: * PHILOSOPHY OF PLATO SOCRATES ARISTOTLE ETC * 200 HISTORY RARE BOOKS on DVD This is the ultimate rare historical books collection for all books lovers! Consisting of rare and ancient original books derived from the 1800's and 1900's or earlier. These books have been digitized for your viewing pleasure. Books are in PDF/TXT file format, which is easily accessible, readable, and printable right off your computer. ~ Titles Include ~ The Works of Plato Volume 1 1848 (The apology of Socrates. Crito. Phædo. Gorgias. Protagoras. Phædrus. Theætetus. Euthyphron. Lysis) The Works of Plato Volume 3 1848 (Meno. Euthydemus. The sophist. The statesman. Cratylus. Parmenides. The banquet.) The Works of Plato Volume 5 1848 (The Laws) The Works of Plato Volume 6 1848 (The doubtful works. Lives of Plato, by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Olympiodorus. Introductions to his doctrines, by Alcinous and Albinus.) A Companion to Plato's Republic for English readers by Bernard Bosanquet 1895 Lectures on the Republic of Plato by Richard Nettleship 1922 Plato and Christianity by William Temple 1906 Protagoras, with the commentary of Hermann Sauppe 1889 Plato as an introduction to Modern Criticism of Life by E Reich 1906 The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle by Ernest Barker 1906 The Origin of the Trinity (Justin Martyr/Plato) article in The Christian examiner 1830 The Ethnic Trinities and their relations to the Christian trinity by Levi Paine 1901 The Development of Greek philosophy by Robert Adamson 1908 The Mystery of the Trinity, article in The metaphysical magazine 1901 A B C of Socialism by IG Savoy 1915 (Many writers whose thought penetrates only the surface have written that "Socialism began with Plato") A History of Greek Economic Thought by Albert Augustus Trever 1916 A Study of Plato, article in the Eclectic Magazine 1871 Neo-Platonism by Charles Biggs 1895 The Neo-Platonists - a Study in the History of Hellenism by Thomas Whittaker 1918 The Preparation for Christianity in the Ancient World - a Study in the History of Moral Development by RM Wenley 1898 The Religion of Socrates - Dedicated to Sceptics and Sceptic-makers by John Potter 1831 (one page has text partly hidden) Aristodemocracy, from the Great War back to Moses, Christ, and Plato by C. Waldstein 1917 Socrates and Christ, a Study in the Philosophy of Religion by Robert Wenley 1889 Socrates and Jesus compared by Josephy Priestley 1803 Plato and Platonism, article in The Baptist quarterly 1867 Moral and Metaphysical Philosophy by FD Maurice 1850 Outlines from Plato: An Introduction to Greek Metaphysics - Frederick Percy Long 1905 The Problem of Human Life as viewed by the Great Thinkers from Plato to the Present Time by R Eucken 1912 Erasmus, and other Essays (Christian element in Plato) by Marcus Dods The Christian element in Plato and the Platonic philosophy by C Ackermann 1861 Plato by AE Taylor 1905 ( Life and Writings, Knowledge and its Objects, The Soul of Man — Psychology, Ethics, and Politics, Cosmology) The Republic of Plato by John Llewelyn Davies - 1898 The Character of Socrates, The present state of ethical philosophy by Ralph Waldo Emerson 1896 The New Plato - Socrates Redivivus by Thomas Masson 1908 The Idea of Justice in Plato's Republic, article in The Ethical record 1888 A Study in Socialism by Benedict Elder 1915 The Wise Men of Greece by John Stuart Blackie 1877 Essays in the History of Religious Thought in the West (The myths of Plato) by Brooke Foss Westcott 1891 Socrates, Buddha, and Christ by WL Courtney 1892 The Study of Nature and the Vision of God (Plato and the founding of idealism) by George Blewett 1907 Men of Might, Studies of Great Characters by Arthur Benson 1921 Philo-Socrates- a Series of Papers wherein subjects are investigated which there is reason to believe would have interested Socrates by William Ellis 1861 The Ethics of the Greek Philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle by James Hyslop 1903 Plato's Biography of Socrates by AE Taylor Plato And The Other Companions Of Socrates Vol 1 1885 by Charles Grote Plato And The Other Companions Of Socrates Vol 2 1888 by Charles Grote Plato And The Other Companions Of Socrates Vol 3 1888 by Charles Grote Plato And The Other Companions Of Socrates Vol 4 1888 by Charles Grote Talks with Socrates about life 1886 Characteristics of the Greek Philosophers- Socrates and Plato by JP Potter 1845 A Beginners History of Philosophy Volume 1 by HE Cushman A Beginners History of Philosophy Volume 2 by HE Cushman Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Philosophers Volume 1 by Elbert Hubbard 1904 Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Philosophers Volume 1 by Elbert Hubbard 1904 Dictionary of Philosophy in the Words of the Philosophers by J Radford Thomson 1887 A Brief History of Greek Philosophy by BC Burt 1889 Studies in the Politics of Aristotle and the Republic of Plato by Isaac Loos 1899 The Belief of the Jewish people and of Plato and Aristotle in a Future State by William Mills 1828 Socrates and the Socratic Schools by OJ Reichel 1887 Socrates by JT Forbes 1905 Christianity and Greek Philosophy by BF Cocker 1870 Contest Between NeoPlatonism and Christianity, article in The Free thought magazine 1901 A Study of Greek Philosophy by Ellen Mitchell 1891 Traces of Greek Philosophy and Roman Law in the New Testament by Edward Hicks 1896 Plato and Platonism by Walter Pater 1922 Platonism in English poetry of the 16th and 17th centuries by John Smith Harrison 1903 An Investigation of the Trinity of Plato and Philo by Cesar Morgan 1853 Plato's Apology of Socrates and Crito 1908 Philosophical essays presented to John Watson 1922 (Platonism) The Vitality of Platonism by James Adams 1911 Immanuel Kant a study and a comparison with Goethe, da Vinci, Bruno, Plato, and Descartes Volume 1 Plato Against the Atheists 1845 Famous men of ancient times by S Goodrich 1845 Socrates, Master of Life by WE Leonard 1915 The Theology of Plato by John Ogilvie 1793 Socrates and the Athenians - An Apology by Henry Bleckly 1884 Plato and Darwin: a Philosophic Dialogue by Marcel Hebert 1899 Seekers after Soul by John Knott 1911 (Plato: intimations of immortality) Plato and Paul or Philosophy and Christianity by JW Mendenhall The Christian platonists of Alexandria by Charles Bigg 1886 The Influence of Plato on Saint Basil by TL Shear 1906 The Platonism of Philo by Thomas Billings 1919 Greek Thinkers- a History of Ancient Philosophy Volume 1 1913 by Theodor Gomperz Greek Thinkers- a History of Ancient Philosophy Volume 2 1913 by Theodor Gomperz Greek Thinkers- a History of Ancient Philosophy Volume 3 1913 by Theodor Gomperz Greek Thinkers- a History of Ancient Philosophy Volume 4 1913 by Theodor Gomperz The Dialogues of Plato by Benjamin Jowett Volume 1, 1874 The Dialogues of Plato by Benjamin Jowett Volume 2, 1874 The Dialogues of Plato by Benjamin Jowett Volume 3, 1874 The Dialogues of Plato by Benjamin Jowett Volume 4, 1874 The fathers of Greek Philosophy by RD Hampden 1862 A History of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates Volume 1 by Eduard Zeller 1881 A History of Greek philosophy from the earliest period to the time of Socrates Volume 2 by Eduard Zeller 1881 Xenophon's Memorabilia of Socrates 1861 Socrates - the Man and his Mission by Robert Cross 1914 Socrates and Athenian society in his day by AD Godley 1896 Some account of the writings and opinions of Justin Martyr by John Kaye 1836 A Lucianic Dialogue between Socrates in Hades and certain men of the present day by William FR Hardie 1922 (text in Greek) The Five Great Philosophies of Life by William Hyde 1921 The biographical history of philosophy from its origin in Greece down to the present day by George Lewes 1890 Volume 1 The History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte, Volume 1 by George Lewes 1871 The History of Philosophy from Thales to Comte, Volume 2 by George Lewes 1871 The Philosophy of Aristotle Early Greek Philosophy on "Being", article in The Metaphysical magazine 1896 The Argument of Aristotle's Metaphysics by Edith Johnson 1906 The Leipzig debate in 1519, Leaves from the story of Luther's life by WHT Dau 1919 "His [Luther's] disquietude turned to indignation when he noticed that Aristotle was practically venerated as a god and his teachings were accepted blindly, while the teaching of God's Word was practically regarded as worthless. His Christian conscience felt this as an abomination, and it would not suffer him to remain silent long. 'If the Gospel was to achieve a thorough success, Aristotle must be overthrown.'" Aristotle and the Christian church by B Azarias 1888 Aristotle's Criticisms of Plato by James Watson 1909 The Fathers of Greek Philosophy by RD Hampden 1862 Plato's Doctrine Respecting the Rotation of the Earth, and Aristotle's Comment Upon that Doctrine by George Grote 1860 Aristotle, by Alexander Grant 1888 Aristotle, by AE Taylor 1919 Aristotle, by F Mauthner 1907 Aristotle, by G Grote Volume 1 1872 Aristotle, by G Grote Volume 2 1872 Aristotle's Theory of Conduct by T Marchall 1906 The Works of Aristotle Volume 1 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 2 1910 (this volume, poor quality) The Works of Aristotle Volume 3 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 4 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 5 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 6 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 7 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 8 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 9 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 10 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 11 1910 The Works of Aristotle Volume 12 1910 The Metaphysic of Aristotle, article in The Philosophical Review 1898 Aristotle's Definition of the Human Good by JL Stocks 1919 Aristotelian Philosophy and Christianity, article in The Disciple 1887 The Political Thought of Plato and Aristotle by Ernest Baker 1906 Illustrations of Aristotle on Men and Manners from the dramatic works of Shakespeare by Joseph Riddle 1832 Aristotle's Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, with a critical text and translation of the Poetics by SH Butcher 1907 Aristotle's Psychology by William Hammond 1902 An Introduction to Aristotle's Ethics 1886 Outlines of the Philosophy of Aristotle by Edwin Wallace 1883 Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Volume 1 by Eduard Zeller 1897 Aristotle and the Earlier Peripatetics Volume 2 by Eduard Zeller 1897 Aristotle's Theology, article in the Theological Quarterly 1877 The Philosophy of Aquinas, article in Bibliotheca sacra 1904 The Logic of Science by Aristotle 1850 Aristotle on Fallacies 1850 Matter and Form in Aristotle - a rejoinder by Isaac Husik 1912 Initiation into philosophy by Emile Faguet 1914 The Necessary and the Contingent in the Aristotelian system by William Heidel 1896 Remarks upon Aristotelian and Platonic Ethics by F Oakeley 1837 The Aristotelian Concept of Physis, article in The Philosophical review 1897 On the History of the Process by which the Aristotelian writings arrived at their present form by Richard Shute 1888 The Rhetoric of Aristotle by Edward Cope 1877 Judah Messer Leon's Commentary on the "Vetus Logica" with a glossary of Hebrew logical and philosophical terms by Isaac Husik 1906 The Belief of the Jewish people and of the most eminent gentile philosophers, more especially of Plato and Aristotle by William Mills 1828 Six essays on the Platonic theory of knowledge as expounded in the later dialogues and reviewed by Aristotle by MV Williams 1908 Famous Men of Ancient Times by S Goodrich 1849 The 100 Greatest Men by Wallace Wood 1885 Four Phases of Morals - Socrates, Aristotle, Christianity, Utilitarianism by John Stuart Blackie 1874 Aristotle's Researches in Natural Science by Thomas Lones 1912 Greek thinkers, a History of Ancient Philosophy by Theodor Gomperz Volume 1 1901 Greek thinkers, a History of Ancient Philosophy by Theodor Gomperz Volume 2 1901 Greek thinkers, a History of Ancient Philosophy by Theodor Gomperz Volume 3 1901 Greek thinkers, a History of Ancient Philosophy by Theodor Gomperz Volume 4 1901 Feminism in Greek Literature from Homer to Aristotle by FA Wright 1922 The Ethics of the Greek philosophers, Socrates, Plato and Aristotle 1903 Greek theories of elementary cognition from Alcmaeon to Aristotle 1906 The Elements of Greek philosophy from Thales to Aristotle by RB Appletion 1922 Aristotle on Legal Redress by Paul Vinogradoff 1908 Outlines of Logic by Aristotle/Trendelenburg 1898 The Field of Philosophy, an Outline of Lectures on Introduction to Philosophy by Joseph Leighton 1918 The History of Philosophy in Islam by T Boer 1903 Aristotle on the constitution of Athens 1891 Some reflections on Aristotle's theory of tragedy by George Brett Aristotle: a Chapter from the History of Science, including analyses of Aristotle's scientific writings by GH Lewes 1864 Lives of Eminent Zoologists, from Aristotle to Linnaeus 1834 by W MacGillivray A Dissertation on the Philosophy of Aristotle by Thomas Taylor 1812 Aristotle on Youth and Old Age, Life & Death and Respiration 1897 The Influence of Aristotle's "Politics" and "Ethics" on Spenser by William De Moss 1920 Theophrastus and the Greek Physiological Psychology before Aristotle by George Stratton 1917 Georgius Gemistus Pletho's Criticism of Plato and Aristotle by John W Taylor 1921 Aristotle on the vital Principle 1855 Educational Nuggets; Plato, Aristotle, Rousseau, Herbart, Spencer, Harris, Butler, Eliot by John R Howard 1899 On some passages in the Seventh Book of Eudemian ethics attributed to Aristotle by Henry Jackson 1900 A life of Aristotle, including a critical discussion of some questions of literary history connected with his works by Joseph Blakesley 1839 The Substitution of Similars, the True Principle of Reasoning, derived from a modification of Aristotle's Dictum by WS Jevons 1869 The Art of Pluck - Being a Treatise After the Fashion of Aristotle 1843 by Edward Caswall The Moral philosophy of Aristotle 1879 Aristotle's Musical problems by James Green 1906 Treatise on Rhetoric, literally translated with Hobbes' analysis, examination questions and an appendix containing the Greek definitions, also, The poetic of Aristotle, literally translated, with a selection of notes, an analysis, and questions by Theodore Buckley 1906 A Brief History of Greek Philosophy by B Burt 1889 A Companion to Greek Studies by Leonard Whibley 1916 Basic ideas in Religion, or, Apologetic Theism 1916 by Richard Micou "Aristotle gives the argument clearly and concisely. There cannot be an infinite series of physical causes, each moved by others. There must be at the last a Final Cause, itself uncaused, an eternal and necessary Being upon which hang heaven and nature." Essays on the Intellectual Powers of Man by Thomas Reid 1853 Aristotle, article in The Bibliotheca sacra 1877 (The Whole-Souled Man) Philosophical essays presented to John Watson by John Watson 1922 (Some reflections on Aristotle's theory of tragedy) The Politics and Economics - Aristotle 1853 A Study of Greek Philosophy by Ellen Mitchell 1891 Ancient European Philosophy - the History of Greek Philosophy Psychologically Treated by Denton Snider 1903 Maimonides and Halevi - a Study in Typical Jewish attitudes towards Greek philosophy in the Middles Ages by Harry Wolfson 1912 A History of Eclecticism in Greek Philosophy by Eduard Zeller 1883 The Greek Philosophers by Alfred Benn Volume 1 1882 The Greek Philosophers by Alfred Benn Volume 2 1882 Lectures on Greek Philosophy, and Other Philosophical Remains of James Frederick Ferrier 1866 Volume 1 Lectures on Greek Philosophy, and Other Philosophical Remains of James Frederick Ferrier 1866 Volume 2 The Greek Spirit - phases of its progression in religion, polity, philosophy and art by Kate Stephens 1914 Philosophy and Theology by James Stirling 1890 Aristotle and Ancient Educational ideals by Thomas Davidson 1892 ~ Sample Pages ~ WE SHIP ANYWHERE WORLDWIDE! 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