
Portland Maine Masonic book - Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection (1871)

Description: Charter and Rules and Regulations of Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection. Instituted at Portland [Maine] 9th Day of Jyar, A.M. 5617 - 14th Day of May, A.D. 1857 (Portland, ME: Stephen Berry, Printer, 1871). 40 pgs., with a full list of members and their city or town. This vintage book from 1871 is a rare find for collectors of Masonic memorabilia. The Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection, published in Portland, Maine, is a unique piece of history that provides insight into the fraternal organization. This book is a must-have for anyone interested in Masonic culture and its origins. With its pages filled with rich information about the organization, its members, and its practices, this book is a treasure trove of knowledge. The condition of the book is excellent, with its pages well preserved and the binding still intact. This is a great addition to any collection, and a valuable resource for those interested in the history of Scottish Rite Masonry. This lodge is still in operation: https://valleyofportland.org/32-sr-masonary/yates-lodge-of-perfection/ CHARTER. AD ITXIYERSI TEBRARCM ORBIS SUMMIT ARCHITECTI GLORIAM. DEUS MEUMQCE JUS. From the Grand Orient of the Supreme Council of the Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Inspectors-General of the Thirty-third and last Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Free Masonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America, under the C.'. C.\ of the Zenith, near the B.\ B.\, which answers to 42° 21' 22" N. L., 50° 59' 18" E. L., Meridian of Washington. To all Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Inspectors- General. of the Thirty- third and last Degree, and to all Illustrious and Most Valiant Sublime- Princes of the Royal Secret, Kaigh's of K-H, Illustrious Princes and Knights, Grand-Elect, Perfect and Sublime Free Masons of all Degrees, Ancient and Modem, of Free Masonry, over the surface of the two Hemispheres, t) whom these presents may come. <% HEALTH, STABILITY, POWER. »NOW YE, That we, the undersigned, M.\ P.-. Sovereign > Grand Inspectors-General for the Northern jurisdiction * of the United States of America, lawfully and constitu- J$ft tionally established at our Grand East, in the City of r Boston and State of Massachusetts, duly assembled and congregated in Supreme Council of the Thirty-third Degree of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, this ninth day of the Hebrew 4 CHARTER. month called Jyar, v.\ m.\ 5617, which corresponds to the fourteenth day of May, a. d. 1857, of the Christian Era, having witnessed the fervor, zeal ami constancy of our Sublime Brothers, Robert P. Dunlap, Abner 13 Thompson, William P. Preble, Jr., Alonzo Andrews, Reuel W. Lawson, James M. Kelley, Albert H. Kelsey ; each of them Grand-Elect, Perfect and Sublime Masons of the Fourteenth Degree, and knowing them to have been lawfully obligated, and reposing confidence in their Masonic knowledge, prudence and fidelity, do by these presents, constitute and establish them, with their future legal associates and successors, into a regular Grand Lodge of Perfection, under the title of Sates (hand Lodge of Perfection ; hereby giving and grunting unto them full power and authority to convene as such Grand Lodge within the City of Portland, in the State of Maine, to elect and install their officers, to work in the several degrees of Secret Master, Perfect Master, Intimate Secretary, Provost and Judge, Intendant of the Building, Master-Elect of Nine, Master-Elect of Fifteen, Illustrious Sublime Knight Elected, Grand Master Architect, Knight of the Ninth Arch, and Grand-Elect Perfect and Sublime M;i son of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and confer the same upon such brothers as are lawfully and constitutionally qualified to receive them. And the said Sublime Brothers shall administer for us and in our names, to each brother admitted to any of the Degrees conferred therein, an obligation of fealty and allegiance to our Supreme Council aforesaid, and submission to its Decrees. And the aforesaid Grand Lodge of Perfection shall each year, at our Annual Convocation, return to us a true list of all its officers and members, specifying the name, place of nativity, age, residence, profession, religion and highest degree received, with the date of reception of each newly admitted Brother, and transmit to us the Eees for Registry, Reception and Annual Dues, required by our Decrees. In default thereof, this charter may be suspended by the M.\ P.-. Sow. Grand Commander, or revoked by our Supreme Council. And we do hereby require the said constituted Brethren to keep a regular record of their proceedings and work for our inspection. And we do hereby declare the Precedence of said Grand Lodge to commence from the ninth day of the Hebrew month called CHARTER. 5 Jyar, a.\ m.\ 5617, answering to the fourteenth day of May, a. d. 1857, hereby ratifying and confirming all constitutional acts heretofore done by said Brethren. IX TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We, Sovereign Grand Inspect- ors-General and Active Members of the Suj>reme Council of the Thirty-third degree above named, sitting in the said city of Boston, and duly established in said Northern Masonic Jurisdiction, the fifth day of August, a. d. 1813, do hereby grant unto the above named Brethren this Special Warrant, and do now subscribe our names, and cause to be affixed the Great Seal of our Council, in the Chamber of Council, this second day of the Hebrew month, called Sivan, a.-. m.\ 5626, corresponding to the sixteenth day of May, in the year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty-six. K. H. VAN RENSSELAER, 33*, J/.-. P.-. Sov.\ Gr.'. Commander. JOSIAH H. DRUA1MOND, 33°, A. B. THOMPSON, 33*. P.; Sov.\ Lieut.-. Gr.\ Commander. 111.-. Gr.-. Treats.'. Gen.-. H.\ E.-- H. A. JOHNSON, 33*, -- DAVID 13. TRACY, 33°, III.-. Gr.-. Minister of State. s 111.-. Gr.-. Master of Ceremonies. BENJAMIN DEAN, 33*, £ HEMAN ELY, 33*, III.-. Gr.-. Capt.'. of the Guard. L. III.-. Grand Marshal. CHARLES W. MOORE, 33°, WM. P. PREBLE, 33*, 111.-. Gr.-. Standard Bearer. III.-. Deputy for State of Maine. NATHANIEL B. SHURTLEFF, 33°, III.-. Gr.-. Sec.-. Gen.-. H.-. E.\ EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION E X T R A C T S From the Constitution and Standing Resolutions of the Supreme Council of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite fop. the Northern Masonic Jurisdic- tion of the United States of America. Right of I Isitation. Art. 18. The Sov.\ Grand Inspectors-General 83°, active members of the Supreme Council, shall have the right and power to visit all the bodies of the Rite under this jurisdiction; inspect their work; correct irregularities ; and do such other constitutional acts as they may deem for the interest of the Rite. For all such acts and doings they shall he amenable to the Supreme Council. Mates for Conferring Degrees. ART. 22. The minimum rate for conferring the degrees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, by all bodies under this jurisdiction, shall he as follows, viz : In a Consistory, ..... $25.00 In a Chapter of Rose Croix, . . . 15.00 In a Council of Princes of Jerusalem, . 10.00 In a Lodge of Perfection, . . . 15.00 OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 7 Dues to Supreme Council. Art. 23. The various bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, subordinate to the Supreme Couxcil, shall pay into its treasury for every initiate the following fees : From a Lodge of Perfection, . . $3. 00 " Council of Princes of Jerusalem. 3.00 A Chapter of Rose Croix, . 2.00 Consistory, . . . . 5.00 And all subordinate bodies holding dispensations or warrants, shall pay the sum of five dollars in addition to the fees constitutionally required, annually to the Supreme Council, which sum shall accompany their returns. Increase of Fees. Art. 24. No Consistory, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, or Lodge of Perfec- tion shall confer any of the degrees for any less sums than those hereinbefore provided ; but may increase the amount at their pleasure. Charge for Diplomas. Art. 25. The charge for Letters-Patent and>of Credence of the thirty-second degree shall be ($4) four dollars on paper and (%o) five dollars on parch- ment. 8 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION Power* of Deputies of the Supreme Council. Art. 26. The Supreme Council shall appoint, at each triennial session for the election of officers, from its active members a Deputy of the Supreme Council for each State and Territory within its jurisdiction, who shall represent the Supreme Council in such district and perform the duties, supervision and in- spection assigned to them by the Supreme Council or by the Sovereign Grand Commander. 1. To exercise the departmental powers in their respective jurisdictions. 2. To have the power of inspecting all works of the Kite. 3. ( )f seeing to the execution of the general laws of the Rite, and the particular Regulations of the Supreme Council. 4. To transmit and present directly to the Su- preme Council in their own names, the petitions for dispensations, charters and letters-patent preferred to them by consistories, chapters, councils, lodges or indi- viduals under their jurisdiction, having first obtained the recommendation of the Council of Deliberation, when such recommendation is required. 3. They shall collect all dues from the various bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite estab- lished in their respective jurisdictions, and pay the same into the treasury of the Supreme Council, on OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 9 or before the first clay of August of each year. If a vacancy occurs in the office of Deputy of the Council, the Soy.-. Giv. Commander shall fill the vacancy until the meeting of the Supreme Council. Dissolution of Bodies. Art. 28. If any Lodge of Perfection, Council of Princes of Jerusalem, Chapter of Rose Croix, or Consistory of Sub.'. P.*. R.\ Secret, under this juris- diction, he temporarily interdicted or dissolved, the officers thereof shall deposit their dispensation or charter, manuscripts, statutes, rules and regulations, and all papers, moneys and properties appertaining to the body, with the Deputy of the district, or with this Supreme Council, that the same may be deposited in its archives for safe keeping. Bisrdpline. Art. 29. All members of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite up to and including S.\ P.-. of R.\ S.\ 32°, shall be amenable to the several bodies to which they belong ; but any body of this Rite may try and sentence a member for Masonic offences. Such sentence shall not carry with it airy effect in the bodies higher in grade than that in which he was tried, unless the cause be first re-examined in such upper body and re-affirmed. A member tried and sentenced in a high body, the judgment shall be binding in the bodies lower in grade. 10 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION Any member disciplined may appeal to the Supreme Council within six months, where the sentence may be revised; until such final action, the member shall not be relieved of the disability in the bodies in which his sentence has been confirmed. When charges may be made against an unaffiliated brother, if the Deputy of the Jurisdiction in which lie resides find probable cause, lie shall direct trial before a convenient body of the highest grade to which such brother belongs. Register of Initiation. ART. 30. The Secretaries of the several bodies under this Jurisdiction shall keep a correct register of all initiations, specifying the time of admission, the age of candidate, place of birth, residence, occu- pation, and date of his Oath of Fealty, copies of which shall annually be sent to the Deputy of the district, with the returns, together with a report of all deaths and removals for the year past. Returns. Art. 81. All returns shall be made up to the first day of July annually ; and be transmitted immediately thereafter to the Deputy of the district with the dues ; who shall transmit such returns and dues to the Giv. Sec*. Gen.-, on or before the first day of August thereafter. OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 11 All subordinate bodies, failing to make returns and pay dues for two consecutive years, without reasons satisfactory to the Supreme Council, shall forfeit their warrants, and it is hereby made the duty of the Grand Secretary General to report such delinquents, and, in the event of a failure to make reasonable excuse, the Deputy of the State wherein any such delinquent is located shall demand its warrants, and such proper- ties as the Supreme Council may be entitled to. The Secretaries of each body shall immediately after each election of officers, transmit a certificate thereof to the Deputy of the district. Rituals. Art. 32. All Rituals of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite from the first to the thirty-second degree, both inclusive, used in this Jurisdiction, shall emanate from this Supreme Council. Sovereign Grand Inspectors- General. Art. 33. 1. A Sovereign Grand Inspector- General of the 33d and last degree may exercise the right of entering and being covered in all bodies opened in any of the degrees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, and of speaking without rising from his seat, and also of addressing the Chair without first asking permission. 2. When a Sovereign Grand Inspector-General is 12 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION announced at the door of any Body, in any of the degrees of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, he shall be received under the Arch of Steel, with the high honors of his grade, and conducted to the East. The presiding officer of the body, if not an Inspector- General, and of equal rank, shall resign his station to the visiting Inspector, with whom it shall be optional to accept it or not. 3. A Sovereign Grand Inspector-General upon visiting any of the bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Kite, as such, shall wear the insignia of his high grade, and, it* not presiding in the East, shall he seated on the right hand of the presiding officer. 4. A Sovereign Grand Inspector-General may enter and retire from any of the bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite at pleasure. He shall be exempt from answering any questions, or observing any rules in the opening and closing of the bodies he may visit, as such. District Meetings. Art. 34. Each Deputy of the Supkeme Council at such time as he shall appoint, to be at least three months before the annual meetings of said Council, shall notify the three first officers of the Consistories and the Chapters of Rose Croix; the first four officers of the Councils of Princes of Jerusalem and the Lodges of Perfection ; the Past Commanders-in-Chief OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 18 of Consistories ; and those who have received the 33d degree, residing in his district, as a Council of De- liberation of the district ; over which Council of Deliberation he shall preside as its Commander-in- Chief. He may appoint a Grand Prior, a Grand Treasurer, a Grand Secretary, a Grand Master of Ceremonies, and a Grand Sentinel; and may cause to be chosen by the Council other officers to assist in its labors, who shall hold office during his pleasure and be members of the Council, and whose rank and titles shall be : 1. The 111.-. First Lieutenant-Commander. 2. The 111.-. Second Lieutenant-Commander. 3. The 111.-. Minister of State and Grand Orator. 4. The 111.-. Grand Prior. 5. The 111.-. Grand Chancellor.- 6. The 111.-. Grand Treasurer. 7. The 111.-. Grand Secretary. 8. The 111.-. Grand Engineer and Architect. 9. The 111.-. Grand Hospitaler. 10. The 111.-. Grand Master of Ceremonies. 11. The 111.-. Grand Standard Bearer. 12. The 111.-. Grand Captain of the Guard. 13. The 111.-. Grand Sentinel. Matters relating especially to Lodges or Councils, or Chapters or Consistories, shall be considered 14 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION respectively by those only who have been advanced to the said respective grades. The Deputy shall cause records of such Councils of Deliberation to be kept and preserved, and shall transmit them to his successor, or to the M.\ P.*. Sow. Gr.\ Com.-, if required. They shall also cause some portion of the work to be exemplified at the annual meetings of their Councils of Deliberation. Art. 35. The Council of Deliberation shall have legislative and judicial power under the supervision and control of the Deputy, over all matters arising within or particularly concerning brethren or bodies within the district ; and no warrant shall be granted for any Lodge, Council, Chapter or Consistory, without the recommendation of such Council of Deliberation. It shall have power to tax the bodies within the district for the necessary and legitimate expense of holding such Council of Deliberation, but not to include expenses of, or compensation to, any officer or member of the Council, for attendance thereupon ; and it may fix the minimum rate for conferring degrees within the district told, not less than the amount prescribed in the Constitution. Its action and recommendation shall be transmitted by the Deputy to the M.\ P.*. Sov.\ Gr.\ Com.-, who shall lay the same before the Supreme Council at the next annual meeting of the Sup.*. Council, for its OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 15 final action of approbation or disapprobation, except in the granting of warrants, which shall not be done without the recommmendation of the Council of Deliberation, except by unanimous vote of the Su- preme Council. The action and recommendations of the Council of Deliberation (except for amendments to Constitution), shall be in force in each district, till the action of the Supreme Council thereon. Lodge of Perfection — Petition for. Art. 39. A Dispensation may be granted for organizing a Lodge of Perfection upon the application of ten Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Masons, members of a Regular Lodge of Perfection. The first four officers named in the application must have attained the degrees of Knight of the East or Sword and Prince of Jerusalem, such application being approved and endorsed by the Deputy for the State or Territory wherein said Lodge of Perfection is to be located, and accompanied by the fee prescribed by these Constitutions. No Charter shall be granted until the Petitioners shall have Avorked under Dis- pensation at least six months. Officers. The officers of a Lodge of Perfection shall be styled and take rank as follows : 16 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION 1. Thrice Potent Grand Master. 2. Hiram of Tyre, Deputy Grand Master. 3. Venerable Senior Grand Warden. 4. Venerable Junior Grand Warden. 5. Grand Orator. 6. Grand Treasurer. 7. Grand Secretary, Keeper of the S.\ and A.*. 8. Grand Master of Ceremonies. 9. Grand Captain of the Guard. 10. Grand Hospitable Brother. 11. Grand Tiler. Powers to Confer Degrees. The degrees conferred in a Lodge of Perfection shall not be conferred upon any person unless he is an affiliated Master Mason in good standing. Lodges of Perfection shall have control over, and power to confer, the degrees of Secret Master, Perfect .Master, Intimate Secretary, Provost and Judge, In- tendant of the Buildings, Elect of Nine, Elect of Fifteen, Sublime Knights Elect, Grand Master Archi- tect, Knights of the Ninth or Royal Arch, and Grand Elect Perfect and Sublime Mason. Quorum for Business. A Lodge of Perfection may be opened for the transaction of business, provided there be present the Thrice Potent Grand Master or his Deputy, or either of the Wardens, and live members of the same. OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 17 Special Meetings. The Thrice Potent Grand Master may call special meetings at any time, or, in his absence, the Deputy, by giving due notice to the members. A n nual Celebratio n . Lodges of Perfection shall every year celebrate the anniversary of the building of the first Temple in the month Tishri, and shall also observe the fifth day of the month Ab, in memory of its dedication. Election of Officers. The Thrice Potent Grand Master and other officers of a Lodge of Perfection shall be elected annually. No one but a Prince of Jerusalem shall be elected to preside. The election shall take place on the third day of the month Adar, the memorable day of the year 2995, and the officers installed as soon thereafter as practicable. By-Laws, Rules* §-c. Art. 40. Councils of Deliberation, Subordinate Consistories, Chapters of Rose Croix, Councils of Princes of Jerusalem and Lodges of Perfection, may form and adopt Rules and Regulations for their gov- ernment not inconsistent with the Constitutions, Ordinances, Rules, Laws and LTsages of the Order, 18 EXTRACTS FROM THE CONSTITUTION and the Regulations adopted for their government by the Supreme Council ; but all such Rules and Regulations must be submitted to the Deputy for the State, and be approved by him before taking effect, and a copy sent to the Grand Keeper of the Archives of the Supreme Council to be filed. Declaration for Opening and Closing, Art. 41. Every Consistory, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Princes of Jerusalem and Lodge of Per- fection under this jurisdiction, shall open and close its works according to the following formula : To the glory of the Grand Architect of the Universe, in the name and under the auspices of the Supreme Council of Sov.\ Gr.\ Inspectors-General of the 32d and last degree, for the Northern Masonic Juris- diction, United States of America, and by virtue of the authority on me conferred, I declare the works of (here mention the name of the body) opened or closed (as the case may be). Information ax t<> Applicants. Art. 42. No member of any Consistory, Chapter of Rose Croix, Council of Princes of Jerusalem or Lodge of Perfection, shall give information to any person, not a member of such, concerning applications for degrees,or communicate the postponement of the question or rejection of the applicant. OF THE SUPREME COUNCIL. 19 Candidates. Art. 43. Every candidate for degrees in any of the bodies under the jurisdiction of the Supreme Council shall be proposed and elected at the stated meetings of such bodies, except in case of emergency, when a dispensation may be granted by the M.\ P.*. Grand Commander or Deputy having jurisdiction over the district. And whenever application shall be made for the degrees to any Lodge, Council, Chapter or Consis- tory, other than the one nearest the place of residence of the applicant, no action shall be taken thereon until the body of the same grade nearest his place of residence shall have been notified, and a sufficient time elapsed for a reply to be received as to his character and the circumstances of the case ; but this shall not apply as between the cities of New York and Brooklyn, or in any city in which there is more than one body of the same grade. All limitations in the number of active members in subordinate bodies are hereby abolished, whether the same are in the Constitution and By-Laws of such bodies or not. Every candidate who hereafter receives the highest degree conferred by any subor- dinate body, becomes thereby a member of such body, and his name shall be inscribed by the Secretary upon the roll of members. „ 20 SUPREME COUNCIL. STANDING RESOLUTIONS, &o. .Resolved, That when, by reason of physical may- hem, a mason is unable to give the signs and manuals of the degrees of the Rite for which he is proposed, he is "Physically Ineligible/ ' (Adopted I June , 1869.) Resolved, That the price of Diplomas for members of Chapters of Rose Croix, Councils of Princes of Jerusalem, and Lodges of Perfection be, and is hereby fixed at one dollar each. (Adopted June, 1870.) Resolved, That a single ballot shall be had for all the degrees in each separate body ; but a ballot may be had for each degree if demanded, which demand may be made in open meeting by any member, or privately through the presiding officer of the body ; and in case of objection upon such demand made, the candidate shall not apply for advancement within one month thereafter, and then such application shall lie over till the next stated meeting. And the same rule shall apply to the case of a candidate to whom objection has been made after a favorable ballot, and before receiving any degree. (Adopted June, 1870.) RULES AND REGULATIONS. Article 1. In addition to the meetings prescribed in the Constitution of the Supreme Council, the Lodge shall meet on the First Friday of each month. But any of the monthly meetings ma}' be omitted, by a vote of the Lodge at a previous monthly meeting. Art. '1. The officers shall perform the duties devolving upon them by the Constitution and Ritual, and such other duties as the Lodge shall from time to time direct. Art. 3. For non-payment of dues, or neglect of any of the duties imposed by the Constitution, Ritual or By-Laws, any member of this Lodge, after due notice, may be deprived of membership. Art. 4. Any member may, by vote of the Lodge at the annual meeting, be elected an honorary member ; and he shall thereby be relieved from the payment of dues, and the obligation to serve on committees, or as an officer without his consent, but shall lose none of 22 RULES AND REGULATIONS OF the rights enjoyed by him as a member before such election. Other G.\ E.\ P.*. and S.\ Masons may l>e eleeted honorary members of this Lodge at any stated meeting, and such election shall confer all the rights of other members, save those of voting and holding office. Art. 5. The fees for the degrees in this Lodge shall be fifteen dollars. Art. 6. Applications for the degrees shall be in the form prescribed in the Constitution, recommended by two G.\ E.\ P.*. and S.\ Masons, one of whom must be a member of this Lodge. All applications for the degrees or membership, shall be referred to a Committee of Inquiry, whose duty it shall be to report at the next monthly meeting. Art. 7. Elected candidates, who shall fail to attend to receive the degrees, for four monthly meetings of which they shall be notified, unless ex- cused by the Lodge for satisfactory reasons, shall forfeit their election and be returned as rejected. Art. 8. At each annual meeting a Committee of Finance shall be elected, who shall audit the accounts of the Treasurer and Secretary and report thereon before the election of those officers. Art. 9. The Lodge may lay assessments to defray its necessary expenses, pay its dues to the Supreme YATES GRAND LODGE OF PERFECTION. 23 Council or for charitable purposes. But no assess- ment shall be laid at the same meeting at which it is moved. Art. 10. These By-Laws may be amended or additions may be made thereto by a two-thirds vote at any monthly meeting, the proposed amendment or addition having been submitted, read and entered of record at a previous monthly meeting. FORM OF APPLICATION. To the officers and members of , sitting in the Valley of . The undersigned hereof humbly shows that he is desirous of being admitted as a member of and humbly requests that he may be received among yon, and he will ever pray for the prosperity and glory of the Order and the welfare of the brethren. When born, ( )('cupation. Resides at Place of birth. Member of (here state what Symbolic Lodge, Lodge of Perfection, Council, Chapter or Consistory). (Signed) Refers to HEBREW CALENDAR. Ineffable Freemasons have been accustomed to date their acts and instruments relating to the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, after the manner of the Jews, according to the Hebrew calendar. The Judaic year is luni-solar ; being governed in its length as nearly as possible by the time occupied by the earth in its revolution around the sun, and in its division into lunar months, which accord as well as they can Avith the time that the moon requires in passing around the earth. A lunation occupies about 29 days, 12 hours, and 44 minutes : therefore, as each day, and consequently each month, commences and terminates at midnight, some months must have 29 days only, and others 31 days. And again : as twelve lunar months do not fill the whole time of a solar year by about eleven days, some years must have thirteen months. The Jews commenced the year at two different periods. The ecclesiastical year began in the month Nisan, on or immediately after the new moon, following the vernal equinox, and regulated the time of their religious fasts and festivals : the civil year began in the month Tishri, as near as possible to the occurrence of the new moon after the autumnal equinox, and was used in all their civil, legal and historical matters, and is the year used in the calendar adopted by ineffable Freemasons. The months, with the number of days in each, are, — 1. Tishri, or Tisri 30 days. 2. Hesvan, Marchesvan or Bui 29 or 30 " 3. Kislev, or Chisleu 29 or 30 " 4. Tebet, or Tebeth 29 " y. Shebat, or Sebat 30 " 6. Adar 29 or 30 " 4 20 HEBREW CALENDAR. Vea,dar 29 days. 7. Nisan, or Abib 30 " 8. Jyar, Ijar, or Znis 29 "• 9. Sivan 30 " 10. Tamooz, or Thammuz 29 " 11. Ab 29 or 30 " 12. Elul 29 or 30 " The month Veadar (second Adar) occurs only in years having thirteen months. Owing to the difference in the length of some of the months, a year of twelve months may contain 353, 354 or 355 days ; and a year of thirteen months, 383, 384 or 385 days. To find the Jewish year corresponding with a given year of our Lord, add 3760 to the portion of the yea,r preceding the first day of the month Tishri, and 3701 to the remainder of the year. In a cycle of nineteen years, the 3d, Gth, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th, and 19th, have thirteen months and the remaining twelve have twelve months each. The year of the cycle is determined by the remainder, after dividing the year A.*. M.\ by 19. HEBREW CALENDAR. For eighteen years from Tishri 1st, a. m. 5631, corresponding to September 26, 1870, V.\E.\, to Tishri 1st, a. m. 5649, corresponding to September 6, 1888, V.". E.\, indicating the first and last days of each Hebrew month, with the corresponding dates of the Vulgar Era. A.-. M.\ 5631—355 days. A.-. M.-. 5632—383 days. 1 Tishri, 26 Sept., 18T0. 1 Tishri, 16 Sept., 1871 30 " 25 Oct., " 30 " 15 Oct., " 1 Hesvan , 26 " 1 Hesvan. 16 " 30 24 Nov., " 29 13 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 25 " 1 Kislev, 14 " 30 " 24 Dec, " 29 " 12 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 25 » 1 Tebet, 13 " 29 " 22 Jan., 1871. 29 " 10 Jan., 1872 1 Shebat, 23 " 1 Shebat, 11 " 30 " 21 Feb., " 30 " 9 Feb., " 1 Adar, 22 " 1 Adar, 10 " 29 " 22 March, " 30 " 10 March, " 1 Nisan, 23 " " lVe-Adar,ll 30 " 21 April, " 29 " 8 April, " 1 Jyar, 22 " " 1 Nisan, 9 " 29 " 20 May, " 30 « 8 May, " 1 Sivan, 21 " " 1 Jyar, 9 " " 30 " 19 June, " 29 « 6 June, " 1 Taniooz ,20 " 1 Sivan, 7 " u 29 18 July, « 30 " 6 July, " 1 Ab, 19 " 1 Tamooz , 7 " 30 " IT Aug., " 29 4 Aug., " 1 EM, 18 " 1 Ab, 5 " " 29 wt 15 Sept. " 30 " 3 Sept., " 1 Elul, 4 44 44 29 " 2 Oct., " HE HUE W CA LEX/). I E A.\ M.\ 5633—354 days. A.-. M.\ 5 634—355 days. 1 Tishri, 3 Oct., 1872. 1 Tishri, 22 Sept., 1873 80 " 1 Nov., » 30 " 21 Oct., " 1 Hesvan 2 ■" " 1 Hesvan ,22 " 29 ' 30 " 30 20 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 1 Dec, tk 1 Kislev, 21 " " 30 " 30 " 30 " 20 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 31 " 1 Tebet, 21 " 29 " 28 Jan., 1873. 29 " 18 Jan., 1874 1 Shebat, 29 " 1 Shebat, 19 " 30 " 27 Feb., " 30 17 Feb., « 1 Adar, 28 " 1 Adar, 18 " 29 " 28 March, » 29 " 18 March, " 1 Nisan. 29 " 1 Nisan, 19 « " 30 « 27 April, " 30 " 17 April, " 1 Jyar, 28 " " 1 Jyar, 18 " " 29 « 26 May, " 29 " 16 May, " 1 Sivan, 27 " 1 Sivan, 17 " 30 " 25 June, " 30 " 15 June, " 1 Tamooz , 26 « 1 Tamooz , 16 " 29 24 July, " 29 14 July, " 1 Ab, 25 « u 1 Ab, 15 " 30 " 23 Au^., « 29 " 12 Aus^., ww 1 Elul, 24 " 1 Elul, 13 " " 29 " 21 Sept., " 30 " 11 Sept., " HEBREW CALENDAR. A.-. M.\ 5635—383 days. A.-. Mr. ^M—dbd days. 1 Tishri, 12 Sept., 1874. 1 Tishri, 30 Sept., 1875. 30 " 11 Oct., '« 30 " 29 Oct., " 1 Hesvan, 12 " 1 Hesvan 30 " 29 " 9 Nov., " 30 " 28 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 10 " 1 Kislev, 29 " 29 " 8 Dec, " 30 " 28 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 9 " 1 Tebet, 29 " 29 " 6 Jan., 18T5. 29 " 26 Jan., 1876. 1 Shebat, 7 " 1 Shebat, 27 " 30 " 5 Feb., " 30 " 25 Feb., kt 1 Adar, 6 " 1 Adar, 26 » 30 «' 7 Marcb, " 29 " 25 March, " 1 Ve-Ada r, 8 " « 1 Nisan, 26 " 29 " 5 April, " 30 " 24 April, " 1 Nisan, 6 " 1 Jyar, 25 " 30 » 5 May, " 29 " 23 May, " 1 Jyar, 6 " 1 Sivan, 24 " 29 " 3 June, " 30 « 22 June, " 1 Sivan, 4 u 1 Tamooz , 23 " 30 " 3 July, " 29 " 21 July, " 1 Tamooz 4 " 1 Ab, 22 " " 29 « 1 Aug., " 30 " 20 Aug., " 1 Ab, 2 " • " 1 Elul, 21 « 30 " 31 " 29 «' 18 Sept., " 1 Elul, 1 Sept., " 29 " 29 " 30 HEBREW CALENDAR. A.\ M.\ 5637— 354 days. 1 Tishri, 19 Sept., 1876 30 18 Oct., " 1 Hesvan 11. - " 29 " 16 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 17 " 30 16 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 17 " 2g 14 Jan., 1877 1 Shebat, 15 " 30 13 Feb., " 1 Adar, 14 " 29 " 14 March, " 1 Nisan, 15 " " 30 13 April, " 1 Jyar, 14 " " 29 « 12 May, " 1 Sivan, 13 " 30 11 June, " 1 Tamooz ,12 " 29 10 July, " 1 Ab, 11 " 30 " 9 Aug., " 1 EM, 10 " " 29 " 7 Sept., " A.-. M.\ 5638—385 days. 1 Tishri, 30 " 1 Hesvan, 30 1 Kislev, 30 " 1 Tebet, 29 1 Shebat, 30 " 1 Adar, 30 " 1 Ve-Aclar 29 1 Nisan, 30 " 1 Jyar, 29 " 1 Sivan, 30 " 1 Tamooz, 29 lAb, 30 » 1 Elul, 29 u 8 Sept., 1877. 7 Oct., " 8 " 6 Nov., " 7 " 6 Dec., " 7 " 4 Jan,, 1878. 5 " tk 3 Feb., " 4 " 5 March, " , 6 " 3 April, " 4 " 3 May, - 4 " 1 June, " 2 &« 44 1 July, « 2 " " 30 " 31 " 29 Aug., " 30 " 27 Sept., " HEBREW CALENDAR. A.\ M.\ 5(339—355 days. 1 Tishri, 28 Sept., 187 30 " 27 Oct., " 1 Hesvan , 28 " 30 26 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 27 " 30 " 26 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 27 " 29 "„ 24 Jan., 187 1 Shebat, 25 " 30 " 23 Feb.. « 1 Adar, 24 " 29 " 24 March, " 1 Nisan, 25 30 " 23 April, " 1 Jyar, 24 " 29 " 22 May, ^ 1 Sivan, 23 " " 30 " 21 June. " 1 Tamooz , 22 %w " 29 ' 20 July, " 1 Ab, 21 " 30 " 19 Aug. " 1 Elul, 20 " 29 " 17 Sept., • « A.-. M.-. 5640—354 days. 1 Tishri, 18 Sept., 1879 30 " 17 Oct., " 1 Hesvan ,18 "' 29 15 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 16 » 30 " 15 Dec., " 1 Tebet, 16 " 29 " 13 Jan., 1880 - 1 Shebat, 14 " 30 « 12 Feb., " 1 Adar, 13 « 29 12 March, " 1 Nisan, 13 " 30 " 11 April, " 1 Jyar, 12 " 29 " 10 May, " 1 Sivan, 11 " 30 " 9 June, 1 Tamooz, 10 tw 29 " 8 July, " 1 Ab, 9 u a 30 » 7 Aug., " 1 Elul, 8 ^ 29 " 5 Sept., " 82 HEBREW CALENDAR. A.-.M-. 5041 — 383 days. A.-. M.\ 5642—355 days. 1 Tishri, 6 Sept., 1880. 1 Tishri, 24 Sept., 1881 30 " 5 Oct., " 30 " 23 Oct., " 1 Hesviin 6 " 1 Hesvan , 24 " 29 3 Nov., « 30 22 Nov., " 1 Kislev, 4 u- 1 Kislev, 23 " 29 " 2 Dec, " 30 " 22 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 3 « 1 Tebet, 23 " " 29 " 31 « 29 " 20 Jan., 1882 1 Shebat, 1 Jan., 1881. 1 Shebat, 21 » 30 30 " 30 " 19 Feb., " 1 Adar. 31 » 1 Adar, 20 « 30 " 1 March, » 29 " 20 March, " 1 Ve-Adar. 2 " 1 Nisan, 21 " 29 30 " 30 « 19 April, " 1 Nisan, 31 " 1 Jyar, 20 " 30 " 29 April, " 29 " 18 May, " 1 Jyar, 30 " 1 Sivan, 19 » 2(.t " 28 May, " 30 " 17 June, 'k 1 Sivan, 29 " 1 Tamooz ,18 " 30 " 27 June, " 29 16 July, U 1 Tamooz ,28 « 1 Ab, 17 " 29 26 July, " 30 « 15 Aug., " 1 Ab, 27 " ' 1 Pul, 16 " 30 " 25 Aug., 29 " 13 Sept., " 1 Elul, 26 " 29 " 23 Sept.. " HEBRE W CALENDAR. A.-. M.\ 5643—383 daj rs. A.-. M.-. 5 644—354 da} s. 1 Tishri, 14 Sept., 1882. 1 Tishri, 2 Oct., 1883. 30 " 13 Oct., 44 30 " 31 " 1 Hesvan 14 " *> 1 Hesvan , 1 Nov., ' 29 " 11 Xov., 44 29 29 kt 1 Kislev, 12 " u 1 Kislev, 30 " 29 10 Dec, a 30 « 29 Dec, ' 1 Tebet, 11 " 44 1 Tebet, 30 " 29 " 8 Jan., 1883. 29 " 27 Jan., 1884 1 Shebat, 9 " " 1 Shebat, 28 " 30 " T Feb., 44 30 " 26 Feb., 4 1 Adar, 8 " a 1 Adar, 27 " 30 " 9 March, " 29 26 March, ' 1 Ve-Adai -,10 " ^ 1 Kisan, 27 " 29 " 7 April 44 30 " 25 April, ' 1 Xisan, 8 " 44 1" Jvar, 26 " 30 " T May, 44 29 " " 24 May, ' 1 J.yar, 8 " 1 Sivan, 25 " 29 l " 5 June, 30 " 23 June, ' 1 Si van. 6 u 4 1 Tamooz , 24 " 30 " 5 July, 29 " 22 July, ' 1 Tamooz 6 " 4 1 Ab, 23 " 29 3 Aug., 4 30 " 21 Aug., ' 1 Ab, 4 " 1 Elul, 22 **" ' 30 " 2 Sept., 4 29 19 Sept., < 1 Elul, 3 " 4 29 « 1 Oct., ' HEBREW CALENDAR. A.-. M.\ 5645- 1 Tishri, 20 30 " 19 1 Hesvan ,20 30 " 18 1 Kislev, 19 30 " 18 1 Tebet, 19 29 " 16 1 Shebat, 17 30 " 15 1 Adar, 16 29 " 16 1 Nisan, 17 30 " 15 1 Jyar, 16 29 " 14 1 Sivan, 15 30 " 13 1 Tamooz, 14 29 " 12 1 Ab, 13 30 " 11 1 Elul, 12 29 " 9 —355 days. Sept., 1884. Oct., Nov., Dec, Jan., 1885, Feb., March, u April, May, June u July, Aug., Sept., A.-. M.-. 5646—385 days. Sept., 1885. Oct. 1 Tishri, 10 30 " 9 1 Hesvan, 10 30 1 Kislev, 30 " 1 Tebet, 29 " 1 Shebat, 30 " 1 Adar, 30 " 1 Ve-Adar, 8 29 1 Nisan, 30 " 1 Jyar, 29 " 1 Sivan, 30 " 1 Tamooz, 29 1 Ab, 29 " 1 Elul, 30 " Nov., Dec, Jan., 1886. Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., u ii Sept., HEBRE W CALENDAR. A.-. M.-. i 5647 — 354 days. A.-. M.\ 5648—353 days. 1 Tisliri, 30 Sept., 1886. 1 Tisliri, 19 Sept., 1887 30 " 29 Oct., " 30 " 18 Oct., " 1 Hesvan ,30 " " 1 Hesvan 19 « « 29 " 27 Nov., " 29 16 Nov, " 1 Kislev, 28 " u 1 Kislev, 17 " 30 " 27 Dec, u 29 " 15 Dec, " 1 Tebet, 28 « " 1 Tebet, 16 " 29 " 25 Jan., 1887. 29 " 13 Jan, 1888 1 Shebat 26 « 44 1 Shebat, 14 " 30 " 24 Feb., 44 30 12 Feb, " 1 Aclar, 25 " (4 1 Adar, 13 " 29 " 25 March 44 29 " 12 March, " 1 Nisan, 26 » 1 Nisan, 13 " « 30 « 24 April, " 30 4' 11 April, " 1 Jyar, 25 " 44 1 Jyar, 12 44 " 29 " 23 May, 44 29 " 10 May, « 1 Sivan, 24 " 44 1 Sivan, 11 " 30 " 22 June, 44 30 " 9 June, 4' 1 Tamoo2 :,23 « 41 1 Tamooz ,10 " 29 " 21 July, 44 29 8 July, " 1 Ab, 99 " 44 1 Ab, 9 44 " 30 '" 20 Aug., 44 30 « 7 Aug., 44 1 Elul, 21 « 44 1 Elul, 8 " 29 " 18 Sept., " 29 " 5 Sept, " 30 OFFICERS. OFFICERS OF flutes <§rmi& ^frubge of fjtrftct'um, For the Year 1871. CHARLES M. RICE, OLIVER GERRISH, TIMOTHY J. MURRAY, ALBION KEITH, GEORGE W. DEERING, WILLIAM O. FOX; A. LEWIS FOX, GEORGE E. TAYLOR, HENRY L. PAINE, JAMES FREEMAN, WARREN PHILLIPS, TV. P.\ Grand Master, H.\ T.\ Deputy Grand Master. Ven.\ Sen.'. Grand Warden. Yen/. Jun.\ Grand Warden. Grand Orator. Grand Treasurer. Grand Secretary R.\ S.\ G.'. Master of C.\ G.\ Captain of the G.\ G.\ Hospitable Bro.\ G. Tyler. MEMBERS. MEMBERS. WILLLIAM P. PREBLE, EDWARD P. BURNHAM, JOHN D. LINCOLN, MOSES DODGE, HARRISON B. BROWN, RICHARD W. KENNARD, JOSIAH H. DRUMMOND, MARQUIS E. KING, CHARLES A. SHAW, ERE EM AN BRADFORD, IRA BERRY, OLIVER GERRISH, STEPHEN BERRY, CHARLES SAMPSON, WDLLIAM 0. FOX, TIMOTHY J. MURRAY, CHARLES M. RICE, J. AMBROSE MERRILL, WARREN PHILLLPS, GEORGE E. TAYLOR, SAMUEL S. WING, CHARLES FOBES, ANDREW J. FULLER, STEPHEN J. YOUNG, F. M. McQUARRIE, EDWARD R. EMERSON, RUFUS H. HINKLEY, RUFUS STANLEY, Portland. Saco. Brunswick. Portland. Biddeford. Auburn. Portland. BrunsAvick. Portland. Bath. Brunswick. Bath. Augusta. Portland. MEMBERS. DAVID BUGBEE, Bangor. JOHN H. LYNDE, " LEMUEL BRADFORD, " ISAAC M. CURRIER, " BENJAMIN B. FARNSWORTH, Portland. H. H. FOGG, Bangor. CHARLES S. FELLOWS, " W. S. PATTEE, " E. F. DILLINGHAM, " G. F. DILLINGHAM, Oldtown. GORDON R. GARDEN, Cape Elizabeth. JOHN D. BAILEY, Portland. AMOS E. HOWELL, " A. LEWIS FOX, " WILLIAM ROSS, Jr., " JAMES R. LUNT, " GEORGE L. GOODALE, Brunswick. WILLIAM ATWOOD, Cape Elizabeth. ELIPHALET W. FRENCH, Eastport. JOHN W. BALLOU, Bath. AURIN L. DRESSER, Portland. HENRY A. HYDE, Bath. JOHN S. BAKER, " AUGUSTUS B. JONES, Lewis ton. F. W. LUCAS, Bath. DAVID P. STINSON, " JOEL PERHAM, Jr., Woodstock. JOSEPH M. HAYES, Bath. JAMES H. EATON, Portland. JOSEPH P. GILL, Lewiston. JOSEPH SMALL, Bath. HENRY H. DICKEY, Lewiston. PAYSON TUCKER, Portland. THOMAS G. KNIGHT, Bath. HENRY AV. RUGG, " ELISHA CLARKE, " MEMBERS. CHARLES J. PERKINS, Bath. CYRUS M. PLUMMER, " JOHN H. McLELLAN, " JOHN J. LISCOMB, Portland. CHARLES J. OILMAN, Brunswick. JAMES FREEMAN, Portland. ALBION KEITH, " CHARLES J. SCHUMACHER, " EDMUND PHINNEY, " STEPHEN W. EATON, " JEROME B. EICKETT, " FRANK H. COBB, Mechanic Falls. DAVID CARGILL, Augusta. CHARLES H. McLELLAN, Bath. H. A. DUNCAN, " E. I. DAY, Lewiston. JOSEPH TARBOX, Brunswick. GEORGE B. SAWYER, Wiscasset. ROTHEUS E. PAINE, Camden. GEORGE E. LOVETTT, Portland. GEORGE W. HAMMOND, Westbrook. HENRY L. PAINE, Portland. DAVID TUCKER, " WILLIAM N. GOOLD, Deering-. GEORGE H. WALDEN, Portland. GRENVILLE E. JORDAN, "" WILLIAM L. LONGLEY, Westbrook. CHARLES W. EOY, " JAMES C. SHERIDAN, Portland. JOHN GRIFFITHS, " JOSEPH A. LOCKE, « BENJAMIN E. ANDREWS, « WILLIAM H. KILVERT, " CHRISTOPHER WAY, " GEORGE W. REED, " ANDREW S. SAWYER, Cape Elizabeth 40 MEMBERS. ABNER OAKES, STEPHEN PERKINS, EDWARD W. MORTON, GEORGE C. YEATON, SILVANUS HAYWARD, SILAS ALT) EN, JOHN H. HALL, JOSEPH II. STETSON, CHARLES A. COOMBS, FRANCIS A. FAULKNER, FRANCIS (). SANDS, THEODORE M. YARNEY, CARLOS NUDD, DAYID COWAN, JOHN L. SHAW, AUGUSTE F. MASON, SAMPLE II. DOTEN, ANDREW HA WES, JAMES A. PEVEY, WILLIAM J. BURNHAM, GEORGE M. STANWOOD, SAMPLE S. MOONEY, GEORGE C. FRYE, JOHN IP HUDSON, Jn.. JOSEPH T. WOODWARD, AUSTIN 1). KNIGHT, JOHN M. CALDWELL, South Berwick. Kennebunk. South Berwick. Bangor. Portland. Lewiston. Turner. Lewiston. Portland. Lewiston. Portland. Deering. Lewiston. Portland. Sidnejr. Hallo well. Portland. ? CHARTER AND RULES AND REGULATIONS OF YATES GRAND LODGE OP PERFECTION.! INSTITUTED AT PORTLAND, 9th Day of Jyar, A.-. M.\ 5617— 14th Day of May, A. D. 1857 w PORTLAND : STEPHEN BERRY, PRINTER. 1871.

Price: 15 USD

Location: Stoughton, Massachusetts

End Time: 2024-11-21T02:43:01.000Z

Shipping Cost: 5 USD

Product Images

Portland Maine Masonic book - Yates Grand Lodge of Perfection (1871)

Item Specifics

All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted

Organization: Masonic

Year: 1871

Country/Region of Manufacture: United States


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