Description: SEREED Baby Balance Bike for 1 Year Old Boys Girls 12-24 Month Toddler Balance Bike, 4 Wheels Toddler First Bike, First Birthday Gifts Great Gift for Your BabyA baby balance bike is a small ride-on without any pedals, meaning the children propels themselves forward by using their legs and can use the handlebars to change direction.The bikes are designed to be lightweight so they can be easily operated by the toddler and can usually be used on any surface, whether indoor or outdoor.Baby balance bikes and similar ride-on toys for toddlers help to develop their motor skills, give toddlers a sense of independence. GROW IN FUN: Recommended ages for 12-24 months. The infant balance bike is the best birthday gift for toddlers to learn walking and riding. It helps to develop babies' balance, steering, coordination, and gain confidence at an early age.SAFELY RIDE: No pedal and fully widened closed wheel to avoid clamping baby's feet. 135 ° turning limit and gravity steering without leaving the ground to prevent the baby from turning over.STURDY & COMFORTABLE DESIGN: The mini balance bike equips sturdy aluminum alloy frame, non-slip TPU handle, and a softly supportive seat.The mini balance bike wheels are non-slip, wear-resistant and non-destructive floor, and baby can ride indoors or outdoors.PERFECT GIFT FOR BABIES: This baby balance bike is made of high-quality material. This ensures that they are safe for any baby. Safe design can be assured as gift for 1 year old boys and girls.EASY TO CARRY: With only 1.6kg (3.6 pounds) of weight, both you and your children can easily carry it around to play. Increased the children’s interest, no need to worry about the children giving up because they can’t move it without your help.
Price: 18 USD
Location: Winfield, Pennsylvania
End Time: 2024-12-12T00:58:16.000Z
Shipping Cost: N/A USD
Product Images
Item Specifics
All returns accepted: ReturnsNotAccepted
Department: Boys
Brand: sereed
Bike Type: Balance Bike
Manufacturer Warranty: 1 Year
Color: Pink