Description: This is the ultimate collection of Steven Universe, a beloved animated TV show that follows the adventures of a young boy named Steven who has supernatural powers. The set includes all episodes and seasons, in English language and DVD format, making it the perfect addition to any fan's collection. The show is rated NR and falls under the genre of TV Sci-Fi, with a sub-genre of Animation/Anime. The collection is produced by Cartoon Network and is a must-have for any fan of the show. Get ready to relive all the moments and characters from Steven Universe with this complete collection.
Price: 35 USD
Location: Tracy, California
End Time: 2024-12-10T21:14:21.000Z
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Item Specifics
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Movie/TV Title: Steven Universe: the Complete Collection
Language: English
Rating: NR
Format: DVD
Genre: TV Sci-Fi
Studio: Cartoon Network
Sub-Genre: Animation/Anime