Description: SULPHUR SOAP (Sulfur)Single 60g Soap, Set of 2x, 3x or 5x.Anti-inflammatory Antifungal with Bioactive SulphurAcne, Seborrhoea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Clogged Pores, Rosacea, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Oily Skin, Anti-Bacterial Properties, Skin Soothing & Healing Properties. * 1x, 2x, 3x, 5x * High Quality Soap * Biological Effect * ORGANICTAS (5***** Stars Ebay Shop with 100% positive Feedback)Premium Quality Organic & Natural Products, Cosmetics & Remedies SPECIAL OFFER (FREE UK SHIPPING!)1x Sulphur Soap 1x 60g,2x Sulphur Soap 2x 60g,3x Sulphur Soap 3x 60g,5x Sulphur Soap 5x 60g, Milva Sulphur/Sulfur Soap short description:Milva Sulphur/Sulfur Soap with Biologically Active Sulfur is a high-quality sulfur soap that is enriched with biologically active sulfur. Sulfur soaps have a healing effect by suppressing inflammatory processes on the skin and soothing it. Reduce the secretion of sebaceous glands. Recommended for acne, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, oily skin conditions, comedones and anti-fungal treatment. Does not irritate the skin. The great formula penetrates deeply and removes existing impurities, bacteria and dead cells from the skin, while hydrating the cells and nourishing the depleted areas. The contained active ingredients have an extremely beneficial and calming effect and as well emollient properties. The delicate texture of the soap is easy to apply and pleasant to use. After use, the face and body are successfully cleansed, with silky smooth skin and irresistible aroma. The soaps are milled numerous times to squeeze out any extra moisture or air. Milva Sulfur soaps will not melt away as quick as regular drug store soaps. Despite the 60g size, these last as long as a regular soap or even longer. They are perfect for travelling as they are small and suitable for hair, body & face. Milva soaps are made of high-quality natural ingredients with healing properties. The same quality is applied to the manufacturing process. Active Ingredient Sulphur/Sulfur:Historically known as brimstone, sulfur is a very powerful natural mineral that is essential to physical health. It is naturally found abundantly in keratin, which is a protein that strengthens skin, hair and nails. Sulfur is sometimes known as "nature's beauty mineral" or "healing mineral" because it bioactively functions in the production of collagen, a protein that helps keep skin elastic and healthy. It also promotes circulation, decreases inflammation and stimulates the body's natural healing powers. Sulfur has been used to treat acne and other inflammations of the skin for thousands of years. Sulfur soap kills bacteria and is used for acne, seborrhea, psoriasis, eczema, oily skin conditions, comedones and anti-fungal treatment. Milva Sulphur/Sulfur Soap helps in/with:AcneSeborrhoeaEczemaPsoriasisOily SkinSkin FungusBlackheadsWhiteheadsReduce secretion of sebaceous glandsAnti-InflammatoryAnti-BacterialAnti-FungalSkin Soothing Healing Effect Directions of Use:The product is for external use only!Apply to damp skin, with light massage movements and to the formation of foam. Then rinse thoroughly with water.Prevent direct eye contact!Store in a dry and cool place and away from little children! About Sulphur:What Is Sulfur?Sulfur is a substance that for thousands of years has been a popular way to treat acne and other kinds of skin inflammation. As early as 5,000 years ago the ancient Egyptians made a sulfur salve to treat acne. Traditional Chinese medicine also prescribed sulfur for skincare concerns. Sulfur is the tenth most common element in the universe. It is typically found near hot springs and in volcanic regions of the world including Indonesia, Chile and Japan. Sulfur is known for its distinct “rotten eggs” smell. Pure sulfur has no smell, but many of its compounds do. For example, sulfur compounds called mercaptans give skunks their smell. And rotten eggs (and most stink bombs) get their distinctive aroma courtesy of hydrogen sulfide (H2S). How Does Sulfur Treat Acne?There are a few different ways that sulfur helps in the treatment of pimples and blackheads. First, sulfur — similar to benzoyl peroxide — is a natural enemy of P. acnes, the bacteria that grows inside a plugged pore and leads to pimples and blackheads. Scientists aren’t exactly sure why sulfur is so effective against P. acnes bacteria but they do know it is gentle and has very few side effects. That’s why sulfur is such a common ingredient in masks, washes, soaps and creams designed to fight acne. Another way that sulfur works to control acne is that it makes the very top layers of the skin dry out and peel off. This dries up pimples and helps prevent future blemishes. In this respect sulfur is similar to salicylic acid. Sulfur also acts as a check against the excessive production of sebum oils that mix with dead skin cells, clog your pores and cause breakouts. Sulfur Risks and WarningsSulfur is gentle, but there are possible reactions you should know about before treating acne with a sulfur product. The FDA warns that you should not use sulfur on broken skin or large areas of the skin. About that rotten eggs odor. Most acne products containing sulfur contain some kind of fragrance to hide the distinctive smell. However, at the beginning you may want to apply these products only at night until you’re sure that the masking agents are doing their job. Skin redness, itching and flaking is another possible reaction to sulfur. If the irritation gets too severe, just stop using the product and consult with a physician. Finally, some people are allergic to sulfur products. To see if you are one of them, test a dot of the product on your forearm before applying it to your face and see if there is a reaction. Sulfur: The Bottom LineSulfur is a basic natural element that has been used for centuries in the treatment of acne. Today, it remains a popular ingredient in many acne-fighting products including masks, washes, soaps and creams. Like salicylic acid, sulfur helps remove dead skin cells that clog pores and lead to pimples and blackheads. There are a few side effects with sulfur acne medicines but they are generally minor and manageable, making sulfur a good choice for almost anyone with acne. Ingredients: Sodium Palmate, Sodium Palm Kernеlate, Aqua, PEG-8 Linoleate (Sulfate Ester on Polyethylene Glycol 400), Glycerine, Parfum, Sodium Chloride, Tetrasodium Etdronate (HEDP), Tetrasodium EDTA, CI 19140 Short Product Description in other Languages:(GB/USA) Sulphur soap in Acne, Seborrhoea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Clogged Pores, Rosacea, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Oily Skin, Anti-Bacterial Properties, Skin Soothing & Healing Properties.(Arab) صابون الكبريت في حب الشباب ، الزهم ، الصدفية ، الأكزيما ، انسداد المسام ، الوردية ، الرؤوس السوداء ، الرؤوس البيضاء ، البشرة الدهنية ، خصائص مضادة للبكتيريا ، خصائص مهدئة للجلد وشفاء.(CRO) Sumporni sapun kod akni, seboreje, psorijaze, ekcema, začepljenih pora, rozaceje, mitesera, bijelih glavica, masne kože, antibakterijskih svojstava, umirujućih i ljekovitih svojstava kože.(CZ) Sírové mýdlo v akné, seborea, psoriáza, ekzém, ucpané póry, růžovka, černé tečky, bílé tečky, mastná pleť, antibakteriální vlastnosti, uklidňující a hojivé vlastnosti pokožky.(D) Schwefelseife bei Akne, Seborrhoe, Psoriasis, Ekzem, verstopften Poren, Rosacea, Mitessern, Whiteheads, fettiger Haut, antibakteriellen Eigenschaften, hautberuhigenden und heilenden Eigenschaften.(DK) Svovlsæbe i acne, seborrhoea, psoriasis, eksem, tilstoppede porer, rosacea, hudorme, whiteheads, fedtet hud, antibakterielle egenskaber, hud beroligende og helbredende egenskaber.(E) Jabón de azufre en acné, seborrea, psoriasis, eczema, poros obstruidos, rosácea, puntos negros, puntos blancos, piel grasa, propiedades antibacterianas, propiedades calmantes y curativas de la piel.(EST) Väävelseep akne, seborröa, psoriaasi, ekseemi, ummistunud pooride, rosaatsea, mustpeade, valgepeade, rasuse naha, antibakteriaalsete omaduste, nahka rahustavate ja ravivate omaduste korral.(F) Savon au soufre dans l'acné, la séborrhée, le psoriasis, l'eczéma, les pores obstrués, la rosacée, les points noirs, les points blancs, la peau grasse, les propriétés anti-bactériennes, les propriétés apaisantes et cicatrisantes de la peau.(FIN) Rikkisaippua aknessa, seborrheassa, psoriaasissa, ekseemassa, tukkeutuneet huokoset, ruusufinni, mustapäiden, valkopääten, rasvaisen ihon, antibakteeriset ominaisuudet, ihoa rauhoittavat ja parantavat ominaisuudet.(GR) Σαπούνι θείου σε ακμή, σμηγματόρροια, ψωρίαση, έκζεμα, φραγμένους πόρους, ροδόχρου ακμή, σπυράκια, λευκές κεφαλές, λιπαρό δέρμα, αντιβακτηριδιακές ιδιότητες, καταπραϋντικές και θεραπευτικές ιδιότητες του δέρματος.(HUN) Kénszappan pattanások, seborrhoea, pikkelysömör, ekcéma, eltömődött pórusok, rosaceás, mitesszerek, fehérfejűek, zsíros bőr, antibakteriális tulajdonságok, bőrnyugtató és gyógyító tulajdonságok esetén.(I) Sapone allo zolfo in acne, seborrea, psoriasi, eczema, pori ostruiti, rosacea, punti neri, brufoli, pelle grassa, proprietà antibatteriche, proprietà lenitive e curative della pelle.(IRE) Gallúnach sulfair in Acne, Seborrhoea, Psoriasis, Eczema, Pores Clogged, Rosacea, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Craiceann Olach, Airíonna Frith-Bhaictéaracha, Maolú Craicinn & Airíonna Cneasaithe.(ISR) סבון גופרית באקנה, סבוריאה, פסוריאזיס, אקזמה, נקבוביות סתומות, רוזצאה, שחורים, לבנים, עור שמן, תכונות אנטי בקטריאליות, תכונות מרגיעות וריפוי בעור.(JAP) にきび、脂漏症、乾癬、湿疹、毛穴の詰まり、酒皶、にきび、にきび、脂性肌、抗菌特性、肌の鎮静および治癒特性に含まれる硫黄石鹸。(KOR) 여드름, 지루성, 건선, 습진, 막힌 모공, Rosacea, 블랙 헤드, 화이트 헤드, 지성 피부, 항균성, 피부 진정 및 치유 특성에있는 유황 비누.(LAT) Sēra ziepes pūtītēs, seborejā, psoriāzē, ekzēmā, aizsērējušās porās, rosacejā, melnos punktos, baltajos punktos, taukainai ādai, antibakteriālas īpašības, ādu nomierinošas un ārstnieciskas īpašības.(LIT) Sieros muilas nuo spuogų, seborėjos, psoriazės, egzemos, užsikimšusių porų, rožinės, inkštirų, baltagalvių, riebios odos, antibakterinių, odą raminančių ir gydančių savybių.(NL) Zwavelzeep in acne, seborroe, psoriasis, eczeem, verstopte poriën, rosacea, mee-eters, whiteheads, vette huid, antibacteriële eigenschappen, huidverzachtende en helende eigenschappen.(NOR) Svovelsåpe i kviser, seborré, psoriasis, eksem, tette porer, rosacea, hudormer, hudormer, fet hud, antibakterielle egenskaper, hud beroligende og helbredende egenskaper.(PL) Mydło siarkowe w trądziku, łojotoku, łuszczycy, egzemie, zatkanych porach, trądziku różowatym, zaskórnikach, białogłowach, tłustej skórze, właściwościach antybakteryjnych, właściwościach łagodzących i leczących skórę.(POR) Sabonete de enxofre em acne, seborréia, psoríase, eczema, poros entupidos, rosácea, cravos, espinhas, pele oleosa, propriedades antibacterianas, propriedades calmantes e curativas da pele.(RO) Săpun de sulf în acnee, seboree, psoriazis, eczeme, pori înfundați, rozacee, puncte negre, puncte albe, piele grasă, proprietăți anti-bacteriene, proprietăți calmante și vindecătoare ale pielii.(RU) Серное мыло при акне, себорее, псориазе, экземе, закупоренных порах, розацеа, черных точках, белых точках, жирной коже, антибактериальные свойства, успокаивающие и лечебные свойства кожи.(SLK) Sírové mydlo v akné, seborea, psoriáza, ekzém, upchaté póry, ružovka, čierne bodky, biele bodky, mastná pokožka, antibakteriálne vlastnosti, upokojujúce a liečivé vlastnosti pokožky.(SLO) Žveplovo milo pri aknah, seboreji, luskavici, ekcemih, zamašenih porah, rozaceji, ogrcih, belih glavah, mastni koži, antibakterijskih lastnostih, blažilnih in zdravilnih lastnostih kože.(SWE) Svaveltvål i akne, seborré, psoriasis, eksem, täppt till porer, rosacea, hudormar, vita hårstrån, fet hud, antibakteriella egenskaper, lugnande och helande egenskaper.(TR) Sivilce, Sebore, Sedef, Egzama, Tıkalı Gözenekler, Rosacea, Siyah Noktalar, Beyaz Noktalar, Yağlı Ciltler, Anti-Bakteriyel Özellikler, Cilt Yatıştırıcı ve İyileştirici Özelliklerdeki Kükürt Sabunu.(UKR) Сірчане мило від вугрів, себореї, псоріазу, екземи, засмічених пор, розацеа, вугрів, вугрів, жирної шкіри, антибактеріальних властивостей, заспокійливих та загоюючих властивостей шкіри.(WELSH) Sebon sylffwr mewn Acne, Seborrhoea, Psoriasis, Ecsema, Pores Clogged, Rosacea, Blackheads, Whiteheads, Croen Olewog, Priodweddau Gwrth-bacteriol, Lleddfu Croen ac Eiddo Iachau. SHIPPING & DELIVERY: WARNING: There might be still some shipping delays due the worldwide pandemic situation.We ship every day Monday - Friday in our timezone GMT+2. All deliveries take place within one working day after received/confirmed payment. All items are located and sent from Bulgaria. We carefully pack all orders and if possible use ecologically & environmentally friendly packing.We try to satisfy the demands of all our customers and offer, up to your country, 2 or 3 different shipping options: Economy (slowest/cheapest), Standard (balanced) & Express (fastest/most expensive). 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Please note that some of our products might have partly, or in rare cases full, bulgarian labeling (see product images in our gallery!) MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE & RETURNS: We hope you will love your purchase, however if you need to return it, our policy lasts 30 days. In case there are any issues, please contact us upfront before leaving a neutral/negative feedback or opening a case. We will do always our very best to resolve any issue/situation as fast as possible.Please note!To be eligible for a return, your item must be unused and in the same condition that you received it.Please make sure the product is unopened, unused and the seals fully intact.It must also be in the original packaging and you have to send it back bevor we can issue a replacement or refund.If the returned product complies with the above rules we will process the refund.If 30 days have gone by since your purchase, unfortunately we can't offer you a refund or exchange.Before returning any product please contact us using eBay messaging system.
Price: 4.99 GBP
Location: European Union (EU)
End Time: 2024-02-11T20:29:25.000Z
Shipping Cost: 5.43 GBP
Product Images
Item Specifics
Return postage will be paid by: Buyer
Returns Accepted: Returns Accepted
After receiving the item, your buyer should cancel the purchase within: 30 days
Return policy details:
Main Purpose: Acne
Period After Opening (PAO): 12M
Skin Type: All Skin Types
Size: Regular
Ingredients: Sulphur / Sulfur, Glycerin
UVA Protection: none
MPN: 3800216520487
Sun Protection Factor (SPF): SPF 0
Active Ingredients: Sulfur / Sulphur
Brand: Milva
Department: Unisex
Type: Face Wash
Unit Type: Unit
Volume: does not apply
Formulation: Bar
Body Area: Arms, Back, Chest, Face, Full Body, Head, Neck, Nose
Features: High Quality Soap, Anti-Inflammatory, Anti-Bacterial, Anti-Fungal, Soothing, Contains Minerals, Contains Sulfur
Expiry Date: December 2025 or Better
Scent: Sulphur
Country/Region of Manufacture: Bulgaria
Unit Quantity: 1
Product Line: Bioactive Functional Soaps
Available Variations
Color: 1 x Sulphur Soap 60 g
Price: 4.99 GBP
Available Quantity: 29
Quantity Sold: 20
Color: 2 x Sulphur Soaps (2 x 60 g)
Price: 6.99 GBP
Available Quantity: 28
Quantity Sold: 22
Color: 3 x Sulphur Soaps (3 x 60 g)
Price: 8.99 GBP
Available Quantity: 21
Quantity Sold: 15
Color: 5 x Sulphur Soaps (5 x 60 g)
Price: 13.59 GBP
Available Quantity: 20
Quantity Sold: 19