

Description: US NAVY AND MARINES MANUALS DISK THE ULTIMATE OFFICIAL US NAVY & MARINES & MORE MANUALS DISK OVER 525+ MANUALS ON 1 DVD-ROM. THE MOST COMPLETE COLLECTION SOLD! SOME VERY RARE AND HARD TO FIND ITEMS INCLUDED HERE! STOP SPENDING YOUR MONEY ON INDIVIDUAL MANUALS. WE URGE YOU TO COMPARE ANYWHERE! SOME OF THESE MANUALS ARE SELLING FOR $9.99 AND UP EACH!!! BEFORE YOU BUY FROM ANOTHER SELLER ASK FOR THE MANUAL NUMBER THEY ARE SELLING. WE ARE SURE YOU WILL FIND IT HERE! AT A LOT LESS! DO NOT CONFUSE THIS WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS BEING SOLD. WE DO NOT INFLATE THE MANUAL COUNT WITH A LOT OF DUPLICATES. THIS IS THE LARGEST COLLECTION FOR SALE!!! HERE IS THE SAMPLE LIST OF THE MANUALS THAT YOU WILL RECEIVE US Coast Guard - Boat Crew Seamanship Manual US Coast Guard - You're in Command - Boat Safely US Naval Gun Mount Production During WW II US Navy - Aviation Weather Student Guide CNATRA P-303 US Navy - Basic Pest Management MO-310.1 US Navy - Blast Resistant Structures NAVFAC DM 2.08 US Navy - Civilian Diving Program US Navy - Corrosion Control NAVFAC MO-307 US Navy - Driver's Handbook NAVFAC MO-403 US Navy - Electrical Safety Field Guide NAVFAC P-45 US Navy - Emission Control (EMCON) US Navy - Expedient Repair of Utility Systems Manual NAVFAC P-1100 US Navy - Food Safety P-5010-1 US Navy - Joint Aerospace Physiology Student Guide CNATRA P-204 US Navy - Know your PT Boat WW US Navy - Maintenance and Operation of Active Solar Heating Systems MO-405 US Navy - Manual of Naval Preventive Medicine P-5010 US Navy - Multiservice Procedures for Well-drilling Operations NAVFAC P-1065 US Navy - Muscular Exercise Program US Navy - Nutrition and Weight Control Self-Study Guide US Navy - Peak Performance Through Nutrition and Exercise US Navy - Personal Fitness Training Plan US Navy - Railway Operating Handbook NAVFAC P-301 US Navy - Sexual Health Primer US Navy - Student Guide for Air Navigation CNATRA P-203 US Navy - Student Workbook for Instrument Navigation CNATRA P-801 US Navy - Urban Integrated Pest Management NAVFAC MO-310.2 US Navy - Weed Control and Plant Growth Regulation NAVFAC MO-314 US Navy - Welding Materials Handbook NAVFAC P-433 US Navy - Wood Protection NAVFAC MO-312 US Navy 5-inch Gun Operations manual WW US Navy 8-inch 3-gun Turrets WW US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14163 US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14164 US Navy course - Aerographers Mate Module 1-Surface Weather Observations NAVEDTRA 14269 US Navy course - Aerographers Mate Module 4 Environmental Communications and Administration NAVEDTRA 14 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14010 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 2-Miscellaneous Observations and Codes NAVEDTRA 14270 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 3 Environmental Satellites and Weather Radar NAVEDTRA 14271 US Navy course - Aerographer's Mate Module 5 Basic Meteorology NAVEDTRA 14312 US Navy course - Air Traffic Controller NAVEDTRA 14342 US Navy course - Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14217 US Navy course - Aircrew Survival Equipmentman 2 NAVEDTRA 14218 US Navy course - Airman NAVEDTRA 14014 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate E NAVEDTRA 14310 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate F NAVEDTRA 14003 US Navy course - Aviation Boatswain's Mate F NAVEDTRA 14322 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics - Power Generation & Distribution NAVEDTRA 14323 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics-Radar NAVEDTRA 14339 WW US Navy course - Aviation Electricity & Electronics-Undersea Warfare (USW) NAVEDTRA 14340 US Navy course - Aviation Electricity and Electronics Maintenance Fundamentals NAVEDTRA 14318 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician 1 (Organizational) NAVEDTRA 14030 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician-Basic NAVEDTRA 14028 US Navy course - Aviation Electronics Technician-Intermediate NAVEDTRA 14029 US Navy course - Aviation Ordnanceman NAVEDTRA 14313 US Navy course - Basic Military Requirements NAVEDTRA 12018 US Navy course - Basic Military Requirements NAVEDTRA 14325 US Navy course - Basic Music (Navy) NAVEDTRA 12013 US Navy course - Basic Music NAVEDTRA 10244 US Navy course - Boatswain's Mate NAVEDTRA 14343 US Navy course - Captivity - The Extreme Circumstance NAVEDTRA 14316 US Navy course - Damage Controlman NAVEDTRA 14057-PPR US Navy course - Dental Technician, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14274 US Navy course - Dental Technician, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14275 US Navy course - Department of the Navy Correspondence Manual Course NAVEDTRA 14319 US Navy course - Ear Training Manual For Musicians NAVEDTRA 10243 US Navy course - Electrician's Mate NAVEDTRA 14344 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Supervisor (ET1) NAVEDTRA 14085 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Supervisor (ETC) NAVEDTRA 14084 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 1--Safety NAVEDTRA 14086 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 2-Administration NAVEDTRA 14087 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 3 Communications Systems NAVEDTRA 14088 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 5 Navigation Systems NAVEDTRA 14090 US Navy course - Electronics Technician Volume 6 Digital Data Systems NAVEDTRA 14091 US Navy course - Electronics Technician-Volume 8 Support Systems NAVEDTRA 14093 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 1 NAVEDTRA 14070 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 2 NAVEDTRA 14071.1 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 2 NAVEDTRA 14071 US Navy course - Engineering Aid 3 NAVEDTRA 14069 US Navy course - Engineman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14075 US Navy course - Engineman 2 NAVEDTRA 14076 US Navy course - Engineman 3 NAVEDTRA 14331 US Navy course - Equipment Operator, Advanced NAVEDTRA 14080 US Navy course - Equipment Operator, Basic NAVEDTRA 14081 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Supervisor NAVEDTRA 14097 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 2- Fire-Control Radar Fundamentals NAVEDTRA 14099 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 3- Digital Data Systems NAVEDTRA 14100 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 4- Fire-Control Maintenance Concepts NAVEDTRA 14101 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 5- Display Systems and Devices NAVEDTRA 14102 US Navy course - Fire Controlman Volume 6- Digital Communications NAVEDTRA 14103 US Navy course - Fire Controlman, Volume 1- Administration and Safety NAVEDTRA 14098 US Navy course - Fireman NAVEDTRA 14104 US Navy course - Fluid Power NAVEDTRA 14105 US Navy course - Gas Turbine Systems Supervisor NAVEDTRA 14111 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14110 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14109 US Navy course - Gunner's Mate NAVEDTRA 14324 US Navy course - Harmony NAVEDTRA 12012 US Navy course - Hospital Corpsman NAVEDTRA 14295 US Navy course - Hull Maintenance Technician NAVEDTRA 14119 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 1, Equipment NAVEDTRA 14332 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 3, Executionable Practices NAVEDTRA 14333 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman Volume 4, Presentations Graphics NAVEDTRA 14334 US Navy course - Illustrator Draftsman-Volume 2, Standard Drafting Practices and Theory NAVEDTRA 14276 US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 1ùAdministration and Security NAV US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 2ùComputer Systems NAVEDTRA 14223 US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 3ùNetwork Communications NAVEDTRA US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 4ùCommunications Hardware NAVEDTR US Navy course - Information Systems Technician Training Series Module 5ùCommunications Center Operation US Navy course - Intelligence Specialist 3 & 2, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14127 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14120 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14121 US Navy course - Interior Communications Electrician, Volume 3 NAVEDTRA 14122 US Navy course - Journalist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14129 US Navy course - Journalist 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14130 US Navy course - Journalist Advanced NAVEDTRA 14335 US Navy course - Journalist Basic NAVEDTRA 14321 US Navy course - Legalman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14135 US Navy course - Legalman NAVEDTRA 14351 US Navy course - Lookout Training Handbook (2005) NAVEDTRA 12968-B US Navy course - Lookout Training Handbook NAVEDTRA 12968a US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 1 & C (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14150.1 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 1 & C (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14150 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 3 & 2 (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14151.1 US Navy course - Machinist's Mate 3 & 2 (Surface) NAVEDTRA 14151 US Navy course - Master-at-Arms NAVEDTRA 14137 US Navy course - Mathematics, Introduction to Statistics, Number Systems and Boolean Algebra NAVEDTRA 14 US Navy course - Mess Management Specialist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14163 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Chief Petty Officer NAVEDTRA 14144 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Petty Officer First Class NAVEDTRA 14145 US Navy course - Military Requirements for Petty Officers Third and Second Class NAVEDTRA 14504 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14152 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 2, 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14153 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 2, 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14154 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3 NAVEDTRA 14349 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3, 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14155 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 3, 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14156 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 5 NAVEDTRA 14158 US Navy course - Mineman, Volume 7 NAVEDTRA 14160 US Navy course - Naval Construction Force Seabee 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14233 US Navy course - Naval Space NAVEDTRA 14168A US Navy course - Navy Customer Service Manual NAVEDTRA 14056 US Navy course - Navy Instructional Theory NAVEDTRA 14300 US Navy course - Operations Specialist, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14308 US Navy course - Personnelman 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14214 US Navy course - Photography (Advanced) NAVEDTRA 14208 US Navy course - Photography (Basic) NAVEDTRA 14209 US Navy course - Postal Clerk NAVEDTRA 14317 US Navy course - Quartermaster 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14220 US Navy course - Quartermaster 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14221 US Navy course - Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14234 US Navy course - Seabee Combat Handbook, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14235 US Navy course - Seaman NAVEDTRA 14067 US Navy course - Signalman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14243 US Navy course - Signalman 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14244 US Navy course - Time Conversion NAVEDTRA 14252 US Navy course - Torpedoman's Mate Second Class NAVEDTRA 12435 US Navy course - Useful Information for Newly Commissioned Officers NAVEDTRA 12967 US Navy course - Yeoman Basic NAVEDTRA 14261A US Navy course Yeoman 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14260 US Navy Driver's Handbook NAVFAC MO-403 US Navy ECM Mark 2 Cipher Machine Manual WW US NAVY Electron Tube Test Set AN-USM-118 - milspecs (1964) WW US Navy Guidelines for Installation Data and Geospatial Data NAVFACENGCOM US Navy music course - Ear Training Manual For Musicians NAVEDTRA 10243 US Navy music course - Harmony NAVEDTRA 12012 US Navy nautical skills course - Quartermaster NAVEDTRA 14338 US Navy Panoramic Radio Adaptor RBY-1 (Mil TM - prelim) (1943) WW US Navy Railway Operating Handbook NAVFAC P-301 US Navy Salvors Handbook (printer's proof) (2004) WW US Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide Us Navy Seal Sniper Training Program - Manual Military Elite Doctrine Guide US Navy Shipboard Pest Control Manual (2000) WW US Navy TBX-8 Transmitter Schematic WW US Navy Towing Manual (2002) WW FMFM 3-3 Helicopterborne Operations FMFM 4-4 Engineer Operations FMFM 6-7 Scouting and Patrolling for Infantry Units FMFM 8-2 Counterinsurgency Operations FMFM 8-4 Doctrine for Riverine Operations FMFM1_1-1 CAMPAIGNING FMFM1-1 WAR FIGHTING Marine Bayonet Training MCO-1510.32D Individual Training Standards for Recruits MCWP 2-6 Counterintelligence NBC Decontamination ops - change1 NLW Multiservice Procedures for the Tactical Employment of Nonlethal Weapons U.S. Marine Corps - FMFRP 12-18 - Mao Tse-Tung - On Guerilla Warfare U.S. Marine Corps - FMFRP 12-81 - Shooting to Live U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-01A Rifle Marksmanship U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-02G First Aid for Soldiers U.S. Marine Corps - MCRP 3-11.1A Commander's Tactical Handbo U.S. Marine Corps - MCWP 3-1 Ground Combat Operations U.S. Marine Corps - MCWP 3-15.1 Machine Guns and Machine Gun US marine corpe Close combat US Marine Corps - Afghanistan-An Introduction to the Country and People US Marine Corps - Amphibious Ships and Landing Craft Data Book MCRP 3-31B US Marine Corps - Antenna Handbook MCRP 3-40.3C US Marine Corps - Combat Stress MCRP 6-11C US Marine Corps - Combat Water Survival MCRP 3-02C US Marine Corps - Combatting Terrorism - MCRP 3-02D US Marine Corps - Common Skills Handbook 1B US Marine Corps - First Aid MCRP 3-02G US Marine Corps - Flame, Riot Control Agents, and Herbicide Operations MCRP 3-37C US Marine Corps - Geographic Intelligence (GEOINT) MCWP 2-12.1 US Marine Corps - Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) MCWP 2-15.4 US Marine Corps - Imagery Intelligence MCWP 2-15.4 US Marine Corps - Iraq-An Introduction to the Country and People US Marine Corps - Marine Combat Water Survival MCRP 3-02C US Marine Corps - Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat MCRP 3-02A US Marine Corps - Martial Arts MCRP 3-02B US Marine Corps - Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) MCWP 3-35.3 US Marine Corps - Multi-Service Brevity Codes MCRP 3-25B US Marine Corps - MWTC Assault Climbers Handbook (mountaineering) US Marine Corps - MWTC Cold Weather Medicine Course US Marine Corps - MWTC Summer Survival Course Handbook US Marine Corps - MWTC Wilderness Medicine Course UUS Marine Corps - MWTC Winter Survival Course Handbook US Marine Corps - Physical Fitness Test and Body Composition Program Manual MCO P6100.12 US Marine Corps - Pistol Marksmanship MCRP 3-01B US Marine Corps - Radio Operator's Handbook MCRP 3-40.3b US Marine Corps - Remote Sensor Operations MCRP 2-24B US Marine Corps - Return and Reunion Guide for Marines and Families US Marine Corps - Rifle Marksmanship MCRP 3-01A US Marine Corps - Scouting and Patrolling MCWP 3-11.3 US Marine Corps - Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) MCWP 2-15.2 US Marine Corps - Sniping - MCWP 3-15.3 US Marine Corps - Survival - MCRP 3-02F US Marine Corps - Survival, Evasion, and Recovery MCRP 3-02H US Marine Corps - The Individual's Guide for Understanding and Surviving Terrorism MCRP 3-02E US Marine Corps Sniper Manual FMFM 1-3B REMEMBER THIS IS NOT THE FULL LIST OF WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE! THERE ARE OVER 525+ MANUALS AND MORE INCLUDED! THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS OF PAGES OF MATERIALS! GET ALL OF THESE FOR 1 LOW PRICE. THIS WON'T LAST LONG SO BUY IT NOW. QUIT SPENDING MONEY ON INDIVIDUAL ITEMS AND GET EM ALL!!! THIS IS THE ONLY COLLECTION OF IT'S KIND. HERE EXCLUSIVELY!!! ABSOLUTELY NO SALES TO DEALERS OR SELLERS Windows System Requirements: * Intel Pentium Processor * Windows 98SE/Me/2000/XP/VISTA * 32MB RAM * DVD-DRIVE MAC System Requirements: * MAC OS X v.10.2.8 or above * 32MB RAM * DVD-DRIVE Go Green! We believe in trying to be good stewards of the environment and control our use of non-essential plastics and paper usage when it comes to our products. We do not believe in supplying non-essential boxes and plastic cases that add to the consumption of fossil fuels and forest deforestation. We devote our time and resources in giving you the highest quality products at the lowest possible prices. DISK or DISKS COME NO FRILLS. 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